Saturday, November 26, 2016

One 4 One - In Search Of CD

One 4 One is not exactly a new name for this blog, I've already posted about this NJHC band several times, here, here and here. So check out those posts for more information on One 4 One. Anyways, recently someone DM'd me on Instagram about One 4 One's 'In Search Of' album, asking me if I have it. And I do... So, here's another One 4 One post, hah...

The 'In Search Of' CD was released in 1996 on Rick Ta Life's Back Ta Basics label, and has new songs as well as re-recordings of songs taken from their demo's and the 'I Won't Lose' 7", and an Agnostic Front cover ('Discriminate Me'). Their 'I Won't Lose' 7" was my introduction to the band, and they re-recorded my fave track of that 7", and one of my fave One 4 One songs overall, 'What Went Wrong'. Still love that song. And this band, hah! Anyways, I'll keep it short, if you want to read some more of my thoughts on this band, check out the older posts linked above. Enjoy!

One 4 One - In Search Of CD

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Reserving Dirtnaps - Part II

A few years I did a post on Reserving Dirtnaps, great heavy and tough hardcore from Memphis, TN. Their singer Brandon contacted me recently to inform me about their new EP called 'Part II' which is about to drop. He sent me the new EP to check out, and f*ck me, it's awesome, in fact this might just be the hardest EP of 2016.

This is 100% beatdown, holy sh*t. It's an all out wall of crushing and pummeling hardcore that is about as heavy as anything out there. Where a lot of beatdown bands nowadays seem to focus only on the slow-as-molasses beatdown parts, Reserving Dirtnaps go for the more 'old school' beatdown approach, keeping it hard, heavy and angry from start to finish. This seriously feels like you are being physically pummeled into submission by the music and Brandon's gruff vocals. It's hard, really really hard. Compared to their first EP they have tightened up their sound even more, this EP sounds focused and trimmed of excess. And even when they incorporate some different elements, like the grind/blast guitars in the middle of 'Disposed To Remain', it's there for a reason. A 6 song, 15 minute burst of anger, hate and violence, of Memphis Style Hardcore. If you enjoyed their old EP (which was recently re-released on tape), you will love this new EP. I still stand by my previous comparisons, if you enjoy bands like No Retreat or Lifeless NJ (who I actually just saw again last night, hah) but also bands like Steel Nation, you need to check out Reserving Dirtnaps, you're bound to want to do some spinkicks.

I can't offer you guys a link just yet, but a preview will be posted on in a few days, and I'm sure it will get added to RD's bandcamp later on... Just trust me on this one, it's awesome. Fave track: Total War.

Pre-orders for the 'Part II' CDEP start on Tuesday November 22, the CD and digital release is Friday December 9.

PS, is it me or does the cover remind anyone else of the old Rambo: First Blood Part II poster?

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Down Foundation - This Time Is Ours MCD

Down Foundation was a short-lived band from Albany, NY. They were quite popular within the Albany scene, but I don't believe they got a lot of recognition outside of it. They played posi hardcore, something which I don't usually go for, but with a heavier edge, and it works remarkably well. I love this MCD, great stuff that just flows really well and I'm sure their live shows were a ton of fun.

Down Foundation released a demo in early '98 which was followed later that year by a split 7" with Dead Thirteen, and this MCD, which was released on local label Losing Face Records. Down Foundation also appeared on the Losing Face compilation CD which I posted here. After the band folded, members moved on to bands like Endicott and Once And For All (not to be confused with the late 80s band that did a 7" on Nemesis Records).

Down Foundation - This Time Is Ours MCD

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Rebirth - 1996 demo

Not to be confused with the current and excellent Melbourne, Australia based band of the same name (do check em out!), Rebirth was an obscure and short-lived band from the Upton/Uxbridge, MA area in the mid 90s. As far as I know they did just one demo, in 1996, which I've uploaded here. It's a good slice of 90s metallic hardcore that mixes a heavier sound with more melodic/punkier parts, with vocals that match this mix of styles, alternating between screams and semi-sung vocals. Me being me, I love the heavier parts more than the melodic parts tho, haha, tracks like 'Nothing To Gain' and 'Seeds Of My Downfall' are simply great.

Unfortunately, I know very little more about the actual band itself, but some members of Rebirth went on to another relatively obscure but solid melodic 90s hardcore band called Uplift. Most/all of the Uplift recordings can be listened to and downloaded on their bandcamp btw, so check that out as well! To add even more of a 90s hardcore flavor to this post, several members from Uplift (not Rebirth tho) moved on to a more well-known 90s MA HC band called Fortydaysrain, as well as Cannae. Rebirth singer Jason is now a film maker who wrote and directed a couple of low-budget horror movies including 2011's 'Blood Was Everywhere', in case yer into indie horror. So there... Enjoy!

Rebirth - 1996 demo

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Rise Up compilation tape

Earlier this week I got an email from a OnexPath reader regarding my post on Withdrawal from Florida, if I had anything else by them. As mentioned in the post, it just so happens they appeared on a compilation that my old band also appeared on, so yeah... Here's that comp, it's called 'Rise Up' and was released by True Strength Records in 1998. I can't remember how we got on that comp or who was behind the label, but I'm fairly certain that the old newsgroup had something to do with it, hah... Those were the days... I don't think True Strength did many releases after this comp, if any.

Anyways, as the subtitle suggests, this is indeed a worldwide hardcore compilation, even if 8 of the 14 bands are from the States.The bands on here are, in order of appearance: Withdrawal (USA), Implicate (USA, I wrote about them here), Advertencia (Puerto Rico), Hoods (USA), Gat Rot (USA), Staydown (Spain), Sludge! (USA), Everybody Gets Hurt (USA), Self (Denmark), Step Down (USA), D.S.M. (New Zealand), Concrete (the Netherlands), Relentless (USA) and Disdain (the Netherlands, my old band, I did the vocals). Stylistically this comp showcases a good mix of hardcore punk, old school hardcore and more heavier and harder styles of hardcore/metalcore. A solid comp from start to finish. Enjoy!

Rise Up compilation tape

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Life Support - Where It Goes... 7"

In an early OnexPath post I wrote a bit about Naked Angels, a North-Carolina hardcore band fronted by Rob R Rock, the first sXe hardcore rapper. After Naked Angels ended he didn't quit hardcore altogether tho. In 1997 Rob, together with some friends, recorded a demo under the name Life Support. That demo was put out on vinyl later the following year on Groovecore Records, a local label which had also put out some of the Naked Angels records.

In some ways Life Support was a 'Groovecore NC HC all-star' band, besides Rob R Rock it also had Bryan Scorch from Empire Falls on guitar (before he became an ultra-conservative right-wing nut I presume), L. Grant Meadows on drums (Naked Angels, Shatterhed) and Owen Threatt on bass (Line Drive). All of these bands had released records on Groovecore already, hah... Anyways, the 7" has 4 songs of solid crunchy hardcore with Rob's distinct vocals, some cool gang backups, and lyrics dealing with environmental issues as well as never giving up in trying to make a change. Life Support would record a few more covers for some compilations, but aside from that this is their only release. Check it out!

Here's a video of 'Biosphere' from the demo/7" btw:

Life Support - Where It Goes... 7"

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Face - Losin' Control CD

There's not lot I can tell you about Face from New Jersey. They self-released their 'Losin' Control' CD in 1997, which also includes their 1996 'Face It' demo. The band played decent groovy NJHC that alternates between old school hardcore and almost rapcore-like hardcore, a combination that probably worked really well live. I can't find anything about the band online however, so I have no idea if these 2 recordings are the only ones they did, or what the band members did before or after Face. If anybody knows more about this band, please leave a comment!

Face - Losin' Control CD