Super Monkey Ball 2
Super Monkey Ball 2 is the second installment in the Super Monkey Ball series developed by Amusement Vision which was released on the Nintendo GameCube. It is the first installment to have a story-line and to be released solely on a home console.
The primary objective of the game is to roll across platforms and obstacles to reach an arch-shaped goal that marks the end of the level, therefore take the player to the next "stage". Each stage is designed uniquely designed to provide a challenge to players as the player progress through the game.
The stages contain platforms such as slopes, half-pipes, moving platforms, etc. The game introduces new gimmicks such as conveyor belts, teleportation doors, switches which control the speed of a stage, moving platforms, and more.
There are two ways to fail a level: losing your balance and falling off of the stage or running out of time. In most stages, there is a 60-second time limit. Super Monkey Ball 2 has three different gameplay modes: Story Mode (with a storyline and successive levels) and Challenge Mode (Story Mode's stages with progressive difficulty. Within Challenge mode up multiplayer is an option for up to four players at a time. A Practice Mode is available to stages that have been reached within Challenge or Story Mode.