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(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - rally, Justice and truth for Medhi Ben Barka, on 29 October in Paris (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

Date Sat, 15 Oct 2016 15:42:54 +0300

51 years after the abduction and disappearance of Mehdi Ben Barka, socialist militant Third World and Pan-Africanist, the status unreason must give way to political reason and truth. In support of victims of enforced disappearance against forgetting and impunity. ---- "What is important is the definition of powers and responsibilities to the people, and the establishment of authentically popular institutions" ---- - Mehdi Ben Barka ---- We would like to reproduce below the text "Ben Barka and his killers," an interview with Bechir Ben Barka's son, Mehdi Ben Barka, who leads the Committee for the truth about Ben Barka affair. This interview was conducted in 1995, and is available on the website www.danielguerin.info ---- for more information, we also recommend: ---- 1965: Mehdi Ben Barka was kidnapped and murdered

Said Bouamama, "Figures of the African revolution, De Kenyatta Sankara"
Saturday, October 29, at 18:00
Boulevard Saint-Germain facing the Brasserie LIPP
Metro: Saint-Germain-des-Prés or Mabillon

The call with the list of signatory organizations

Ben Barka and his killers

Medhi Ben Barka, my father was arrested in front of the Brasserie Lipp, October 29, 1965 by two French policemen. He followed them as they showed him their cards and confident, he rode with them in the car service. In addition to the two policemen, an officer of the French secret services and a mobster took place in the car that led them to Fontenay-le-Vicomte in the home of mobster. My father entered the house and after we do not know what happened. It is assumed that he was murdered, but we do not know how and we never found his body.

He was to meet a producer and director of a film that was to be called Basta and had to be screened at the opening of the Tricontinental Conference in Havana in January 1966, which were to meet the African liberation movements, Asia and Latin America. My father was in charge of political and material preparation of this conference.

There will be a convergence of interests to end my father's activities. This convergence will be observed among the protagonists of the case. First, the Moroccan Minister of the Interior, an agent of French services, hoodlums responsible for doing the dirty work, agents of American and Israeli secret services.

Daniel Guérin has never met my father, but as anti-colonial activist, he knew perfectly well the role of the latter in the anti-imperialist struggle. Immediately after removal, Daniel Guérin contact some personalities to reactivate the former Committee France-Maghreb becomes the Committee for the truth about Ben Barka affair. This committee has done a lot for the case not be suffocated legally and politically. I have known Daniel Guérin when I arrived in Paris in 1970 where we worked together.

There had been two trials in 1966 and 1967 where the kidnappers of my father were tried but we could never answer basic questions because we ran into the reason of state. In 1975, we file a second complaint for the murder of my father to avoid that the case be definitively closed by prescription. Daniel Guerin had discovered a new element. In 1966, when the first survey, the so-called film producer was wanted by the French police when he was arrested, he "committed suicide" by two bullets in the back. In his case, they found a police-type questionnaire for the interrogation of my father. And nobody paid attention. Still in 1970, a second questionnaire was found but with handwritten comments. This is Daniel Guerin who concluded that the writer was none other than a certain Pierre Lemarchand, former Gaullist MP and former heads of spooks. Despite promises to bring as soon as possible the evidence of his innocence in court, it has not seen fit to reconvene until today.

Second blocking, that of SDECEE who is hiding behind the defense secret and refuses to provide records. After the election of Mitterrand, Pierre Mauroy ordered the Secret Service to open the files. But they provided only the elements which we already know. Twenty to thirty years after the kidnapping of my father, there was still no political will to reach the truth. I would say that there was a political will not to reveal the truth.

This can be explained in two ways: either by dubious friendships to the Moroccan regime had to be maintained or, and this is more serious, because the French implications are much deeper than what we thought before. The main obstacle in twenty years of investigation by Daniel Guérin and then by family and investigating judges, was the reason and the interest of state who did not want to remove these locks for research the truth.

What made me admire the work of Daniel Guerin, is his tenacity. He led his investigation, he urged witnesses to their very limits. He did not hesitate to go to Morocco to meet with the interior minister who was involved in the case. He neglected no element. It is true that sometimes we do not always agree with his conclusions; there was much discussion, sometimes you yelled at because he was outspoken; he did not hesitate to speak his mind when lawyers or family were not going into what he thought was the right direction. It is true that I have not always shared its findings including the way my father was murdered.

But it is certain that from the elements that could flush out some tracks appeared. Daniel had this foresight that allowed him to reach these conclusions.

When one reads his book about the case, which is the sum of investigations twenty years, this does not reflect the amount of work, investigations, nervous efforts, intellectual or physical and all that that also included to frustrations with blockages, the evasions of witnesses, given the reluctance of justice or investigators. What drove us who grew Daniel was this desire for justice but not only justice for justice. What drove him through this search for truth, besides this eagerness to reveal all the responsibilities it was, I believe, the will to stay true to a certain ideal and to honor the man who, for many peoples third world, represented by its commitment.

That's what, I have kept as a souvenir of Daniel and I know that, when he died, the search for truth has lost someone.

Bechir Ben Barka

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