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(en) RESISTANCE TO PROJECTS OF STATE AND BOSSES-NONE HOUSE IN HANDS banker, By A.P.O. (gr) [machine translation]

Date Fri, 14 Oct 2016 09:45:44 +0300

"You are tired" ---- "Listen: you do not want anymore to work with us. ---- Knelt, not another can be run. ---- Tired, no longer able to learn new. ---- Xoflisei: No one can ask you to do anything anymore. ---- Learn then: we ask. ---- As tired and fall asleep he will not wake up anymore to say: ---- pull their food is ready. ---- Why have food ready? ---- As you can else to run, you will stay lying. ---- Nobody in search for say: "there was a revolution, factories in waiting." ---- Why 'has become revolution? ---- When you die you will bury or fault for dying or not. ---- You say: long time struggled. can not you anymore n 'games. ---- So listen: either your fault or not as you can to fight the other will die. ---- You say: long time hoped, you can not any longer be hoped. Hoped what? ---- How the race Thanasis' easy?

There it 's our etsi.I position is worse than I thought.

It is such that if we do not manage the impossible we have no hope.

If we do what no one can ask us will perish.

Our enemies wait for us to get tired.

When the fight is tougher watershed, the fighters have the longest fatigue.

Tired, they lose the battle. "

Bertolt Brecht

In recent years, in response to the capitalist crisis, state capital conducting an outright attack against the bottom of society. Thus, for six years he has been declared in Greece a state of "emergency", which formally institutionalized with the signing of the first Memorandum (in May 2010) between the Greek government and supranational allies-lenders (European Union, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund) and implemented with polynomoschedia, their efarmostikous laws and loan agreements. Key components of this class of attack is conducted vertical deterioration of living conditions of vast tracks of society and further ftochopoiisi and misery. So observe the wage cuts and pensions, dismissals and blackmail of unemployment, the abolition of collective agreements, the conquests of the class struggle constantly leveled, full deregulation of labor relations and their readjustment in favor of the bosses, the exclusion of thousands of people from basic social goods such as housing, education and health, privatization of ports and airports, the attempt to commercialize water and power, imposing new taxes, the destruction and looting of the natural world in the name of development, squelch, the fierce repression and intimidate those who fight and resist against the plans of the state and the bosses to impose new working medieval and modern totalitarianism.

SYRIZA, through assimilation and the capitalization of all races given in previous years and through hope commerce and '' red lines '' that '' put '' came to work as a social decompression valve for the already bankrupt political and economic system allowing the prolongation of life and waiting in shaping social peace treaties. From the first months it became clear that SYRIZA will continue the same barbaric and anti-social policies of his predecessors. The 'red lines' 'of' 'aristerodexias' coalition SYRIZA-ANEL were red ribbons and fully collapsed delusion and illusion on a better, just and alternative management of the political and economic system under capitalism, since not only was the continuation of austerity measures and the attack on the already stricken social base, but it is a fact and the promotion of new antisocial measures and reforms in the form of third memorandum (with the accompanying) who signed the coalition SYRIZA - AN.EL. A coalition fully aligned with European Union political imperatives, a supranational chain states aims both in bleeding and the subjugation of societies within and on the other to impose domination of world, always with a view to serve the interests of powerful political and economic elite.

The adoption of the third memorandum, the prerequisites and the implementing laws that go with it, are a new round of looting to society in terms of more onerous and tougher than the past since the measures are added on the ruins left by the previous two memoranda. The job failed to complete the right-wing government comes to complete the 'populist' coalition SYRIZA-ANEL (as he and tycoon Agnello commenting on the politics of his country, "There is a kind of Left that is more useful than the Right. it is at the left that can do everything you could not do right. " So we see the imposition of new taxes, reducing pensions, continuing the ENFIA and hike, privatization of ports, airports and entire regions, the continuation of works on Slag of Halkidiki and the abolition of the Sunday holiday. Another measure that attempted to apply is the release of the auctions of primary residence. One measure is to fly on the road all those 'ftochodiavolous'' for years now suffer the brutality of State Ms. capital. One measure would be the final blow for the lower social classes since many families thrown out on the street. A measure that shows the more violent the anti-social nature of the government (like any other).

From all the above it is obvious that the brutality is the norm rather than the exception in capitalist Treaty. Unemployment, suicide, poverty, misery, hunger and poverty make up our daily lives. Evidently capitalism is bloodthirsty and ruthless and not done to humanise only be overturned.

The only way to be able to respond to this attack we are experiencing is the path of social and class struggles. The same workers, the unemployed, youth, natives and immigrants, knowing their real needs, they have to take their lives into their own hands, organize and fight collectively self-organized and adiamesolavita in any society and the workplace, in schools and colleges, workplaces, neighborhoods and streets, away from any party and union manipulation which inevitably leads to the weakening and degeneration of social and class movement. Now it is understood that the bottom of society, can no longer have any confidence and can not expect anything from them all sorts of aspiring managers and facilitators of social rage. The only way for the abolition of exploitation and oppression are self-organized, unmediated, akidemoneftoi social and class struggles, the overall rupture and the overthrow of the state and capitalism.

To connect a couple and-demand games for permanent and stable employment, access to social goods, housing, healthcare, education, to defend labor and social rights, for the protection of nature, with the total and topical social and political demand to overthrow the world of power and libertarian transformation of society.



Organize social and class counter attack!

anarchist group "restive horse" / member of the Anarchist Political Organisation - Federation collectivity

Patra, October 2016

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