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(en) Communist anarchists Assembly: Interventions against the selling off of public property (gr) [machine translation]

Date Fri, 14 Oct 2016 09:45:32 +0300

On 6 and 7 October they distributed leaflets against privatization in Aristeidou PPC, EYDAP in the September 3, the OAED and PPC at Peristeri. - The text: - NO MORE STEPS BACK - class front against sellout OF PUBLIC PROPERTY - On September 27 even completed a crime against the workers and popular interests, the coalition SYRIZA / ANEL act as sales representative of the interests of local and international capital. - The so-called "Superfund" under effective control of creditors and headed by French technocrat Jacques Le Pap undertakes to sell out with humiliating conditions on public property, the basic social goods such as water and electricity, until infrastructure (schools, hospitals, airports, Via Egnatia, Greek etc.). ---- Privatisation in no way serve the workers' and people's interests, such as trying to get our modern preachers of exploitation, either wear or wear neoliberal social democratic facade. The public wealth stolen is sold out industrious sweat and through the plunder of intensifying the deterioration of working conditions, combined with tariff increases and deterioration of infrastructure and the quality of social goods.

The so-called "Superfund", which have joined the HRADF, the Financial Stability Fund, the Company of the State Property and Public Holding Company, is a neo construct, which takes about 99 years to "build" and to liquidate assets public, under the supervision and direct control of the imperialists lenders. H commission and the ESM will appoint two of the five members of the Supervisory Board (which in turn appoints the board members), while decisions are taken on a qualified majority members 4.

With this trick the absolute control of "Superfund" passes substantially and formally in the hands of lenders, since no decision would not be obtainable without their approval. The proceeds from the sell-off will head straight into the pockets of loan sharks, to service a debt that is not created by the people, under the third memorandum, while releasing and new fields of profitability for capital. The "Superfund", together with the financial "cutter" that acts as term memorandum mortgage the future of the country and its people, monimopoiontas the looting and social desertification status.

The mnimoniakes governments all these years trying to convince the workers that their countless sacrifices, the cuts in social spending and privatization will bring growth and economic recovery, with "equitable distribution and social sign". The working people have longer experience not believe these tales, as he feels in his own skin the constant abrasion to serve the interests of a handful of plutocrats. He knows very well that any "development" come in the near future to press on the blood and sweat of those who produce with their work the entire social wealth.

Only with constant stubborn struggle and the struggle of the exploited can turn this negative correlation we experience during the years of mnimoniakis squall. Only the organization of working people, creating a broad front of class struggle and disobedience to the dictates of the civil power block will be built mounds in barbaric attack by capital and the state of. Only the class tried to come back the hope.


"Without the conflict not Carter the right
never steriose the right without fight
For those who build the world
it's never too late"

Communist anarchists Assembly class counterattack against the EU

For communication: Political space on Spyrou Trikoupi 44, Exarcheia
Monday 18:30 to 21:30 and Saturday 13:00 to 15:00
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