“Boot the Braids!” rings out across campuses throughout the Midwest and Southeast! 



First round of Wendy’s Boycott tours wraps up with visits to four “Boot the Braids” campuses! 

Picking up where we left off in last week’s “Behind the Braids” Tours report, we bring you the latest news from the campaign trail (Campaign for Fair Food, that is, also known as the only campaign news you can proudly share with young children these days…).  This time around, even though the tours traced different geographic routes, they had one powerful theme in common:  The student-led movement to “boot” Wendy’s from college campuses until Wendy’s agrees to join the Fair Food Program! 

boot_the_bellFrom 2001 to 2005, university students on college campuses across the country took a stand for farmworkers’ fundamental human rights, letting their administrations know — through protests, petitions, and hunger strikes — that they would not tolerate a corporation that brazenly disregards farm labor exploitation in its supply chain doing business on their campus.  The Boot the Bell Campaign — which deprived Taco Bell of over two dozen key franchises — was a major force in bringing the fast food giant to the table. 

Now, over a decade later, it is clear that the young people of today are no more tolerant of corporate irresponsibility on their campuses than were students of the early 2000s.  Building on almost two years of organizing across the country to kick Wendy’s off campus, the first two “Behind the Braids” Tours hit four major colleges and universities that are home to the hamburger giant last week:  The Ohio State University, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, University of Louisville and University of Florida.

Today, we bring you a firsthand report from the tour crews from the whirlwind “part two” of the Southeast and Midwest tours!

What do major universities in Columbus, Ann Arbor, Louisville and Gainesville have in common?  Apart from raging school spirit, these campuses share a few important things.  First, they all do business with Wendy’s, allowing the fast food chain to blithely profit from students on campus with its unfair food; and second, the students on campus are not going to take it!  The Boot the Braids Campaign is picking up steam for the 2016-2017 school year:


In Columbus, the ‘Behind the Braids’ tour visit came at a critical juncture:  Almost two years ago, the university administration committed to end its contract with Wendy’s if the Dublin, Ohio-based fast-food chain did not join the CIW’s proven solution to end the abuse of farmworkers in its supply chain and thus resolve the grave concerns of the OSU Student/Farmworker Alliance.  With the deadline to renew the lease for the Wendy’s at OSU’s Wexner Medical Center fast approaching, the administration has yet to act.  

On October 7, dozens of students and community members from OSU SFA, Ohio Fair Food, the Methodist Theological Seminary of Ohio, the Central Ohio Workers’ Center, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus, and many other groups marched to the administration building to knock on President Michael Drake’s door.  The bright and colorful march proceeded through the center of campus, turning the heads of hundreds of students. 


As it neared Bricker Hall, the cry began to ring out: “Drake, keep your promises!  Drake, keep your promises!”  Although President Drake was traveling, there is little doubt that he, and hundreds more in the Columbus community, heard the growing call to end OSU’s complicity in Wendy’s unjust supply chain practices:  the action on campus was covered by WOSU and the Columbus Free Press; OSU’s Student/Farmworker Alliance sent in a scathing Letter to the Editor to OSU’s student newspaper, The Lantern; and hundreds around the country emailed President Drake directly to express their support for the OSU students’ campaign.

columbus6In the face of Wendy’s — and the University’s — broken-record explanation for why Wendy’s need not join the Program, CIW’s Oscar Otzoy drove the message home for President Drake in the Columbus Free Press article:  “Wendy’s is quick to offer their Supplier Code of Conduct, released last year, as their substitute for the Fair Food Program — and their reason for not joining… But without any effective measures for enforcement or worker participation, Wendy’s code does not even begin to measure up to a commitment to the Fair Food Program.”

By the end of the tour stop, the message from students for the President was unmistakable: “The time for stalling is past — the human rights of farmworkers will not wait.  We must “Boot the Braids,” University President Michael Drake, as you promised!”  


With the movement to “Boot the Braids” at OSU on the rise, the tour also headed to neighboring Ann Arbor, Michigan, where Wendy’s holds a major contract with the University of Michigan.  

Upon arrival, we buckled down for a busy schedule of presentations, workshops, and strategy sessions, aiming to build a powerful “Boot the Braids” coalition both on campus and in the community:  We started off with a popular education theater piece with the Ann Arbor Solidarity with Farmworkers Collective and the Michigan Solidarity Network with Mexico — and that was just the beginning.  After many more strategy meetings and lively presentations, we found that everywhere from the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor to classrooms at UMich and Eastern Michigan University to local businesses in nearby Ypsilanti, Michiganders are committed to joining and spreading the Wendy’s Boycott.  


The visit culminated with an on-campus action in which Fair Food supporters educated over 500 passersby about the Wendy’s Boycott and the campaign to “Boot the Braids” at UMich, ending with a delegation to the manager of the Union Wendy’s!


Upon arrival to the Derby City, we were welcomed on campus by the University of Louisville’s  Cardinal Student/Farmworker Alliance, the student-led organization that has been turning up the volume on the Wendy’s Boycott on campus since its launch in March.  Off to a strong start with this past spring’s Workers’ Voice Tour, Cardinal SFA hosted a Wendy’s Boycott teach-in, strengthening their base on campus to further escalate the campaign in the months ahead.

And after a busy day of back-to-back classroom presentations, the Immokalee tour crew gathered with allies outside of the Student Activity Center, home to the Wendy’s on campus.  


As the lunch rush hour ensued, the Fair Food crew fanned out to flyer and educate students about the Wendy’s Boycott and the injustices tied directly to their campus community — deterring many from eating lunch at Wendy’s that day (and every day after), and inspiring others to even take some flyers to give to friends and family!



During our final stop along the “Behind the Braids” Southeast Tour, we were met with a wave of support in the sunny and scenic city of Gainesville by both longtime veterans in the fight for Fair Food, such as the indefatigable members of the Gainesville’s Alliance for Immigrant Justice, and brand-new supporters just learning of the growing national Wendy’s Boycott. 

gainesville2We spent the bulk of our visit organizing in and around the University of Florida: sharing the long history of student involvement in the Campaign for Fair Food at UF, from the Taco Bell Boycott to the Dine with Dignity Campaign, with dozens of students over a delicious meal at La Casita; strategizing the next big moves in the “Boot the Braids” campaign with members of CHISPAS UF and Gators Against Human Trafficking; and educating hundreds of students in classrooms across campus about Wendy’s decision to turn its back on protecting the human rights of farmworkers in its supply chain. 

Our time at the University of Florida ended on a high note, with both a letter delegation to UF administrators and a community-wide protest, where we were joined by a freshly-energized group of UF students, faith leaders and community members for a Boycott Wendy’s picket on the side of one of Gainesville’s most trafficked streets — a perfect way to end the tour, with allies in the community full of excitement to keep building the pressure in the Wendy’s campaign in the months ahead! 

The call to “Boot the Braids” rang out across campuses around the country this past week, a call that was heard by thousands of students, dozens of university administrators, and without a doubt, Wendy’s.  It is high time for Wendy’s to face the reality that student organizing will only continue to ramp up this school year and universities will have no choice but to hear their students’ just demands and end their contracts with Wendy’s.  Wendy’s has already lost the business of thousands of young people and students across the country, and that number is only growing.

Get with the Program, Wendy’s!

New York Times Magazine, Civil Eats take on “Big Food” and the Food Movement…

“Then we found the unlocked door in the castle wall… It was the corporate brand.”As the Wendy’s Boycott picks up steam across the country, the CIW and the Campaign for Fair Food took center stage in two timely articles this past week — one from Michael Pollan in the New York Times Magazine and another from Elizabeth Grossman in Civil Eats — asking key strategic questions about how best to create meaningful, transformational change in the food system.First up, Michael Pollan set the scene in his big thought piece last week, “Big Food Strikes Back,” tracing the recent history of the uphill battle of the Obama administration in […]

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Friendly fire: Wendy’s shareholder takes fast-food giant to court for refusal to join Fair Food Program!

Pomerantz Law, a major player in the world of finance, files derivative action against the directors of Wendy’s  for turning “a blind eye to human rights abuses by suppliers of tomatoes used in its products.” From a press release issued by Pomerantz Law Firm announcing its lawsuit against Wendy’s board of directors last week: … According to the lawsuit, Wendy’s board of directors (the “Board”) has turned a blind eye to human rights abuses by suppliers of tomatoes used in its products. These human rights abuses to farm workers include human trafficking, physical abuse, involuntary confinement, starvation wages, debt bondage, and sexual […]

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TOUR REPORTS: Wendy’s Boycott on the rise across Southeast, Midwest…

“Justice is not bought, justice is not simply given, justice is won and defended!”It’s official: the first leg of the “Behind the Braids” Tours hit the ground running in Georgia, Tennessee and Ohio this week, and today we wanted to bring you first-hand reports from the first wave of actions, presentations, film screenings, and gatherings of what will be two months of solid Wendy’s boycott action to come!First, though, we need your help:  Whether you’re on a tour stop or reading this report from another corner of the Fair Food Nation, you can weigh in on the “Behind the Braids” action by […]

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International labor law expert: “The Fair Food Program is substantially more successful than other corporate compliance programmes”…

New textbook on ethical labor standards for migrant workers devotes chapter to the CIW’s Fair Food Program!International labor law expert Professor James Brudney calls Fair Food Program “remarkably successful model” that “offers distinctive lessons for labour relations in global corporate supply chains.”In an exciting new volume of academic research (now available online) on the question of whether temporary migrant labor programs “can be ethical, equitable and efficacious and so deliver decent work for workers,” Fordham University Professor of Law James Brudney has contributed a rigorously-researched chapter on the structure, function, and extraordinary success of the CIW’s Fair Food Program.  His chapter, entitled “Decent Labour Standards […]

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Quick hit: Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello gives shoutout to CIW in front of over 10,000 concert goers in Tampa!

“Prophets of Rage” Concert highlights farmworkers’ human rights…Last Saturday, Tampa’s hopping bay area was visited by the powerhouse tour, Prophets of Rage — a combination of musicians from Rage Against the Machine, Public Enemy and Cypress Hill — which is sweeping the country this fall with the timely tagline, “Make America Rage Again.”  Lighting up the stage, guitar in hand, was Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello, who has never been shy when it comes to lending his musical virtuosity and widely-respected political voice to the Fair Food movement.  Midway through the band’s powerful performance, Morello gave a warm shout out to CIW (see video above) and urged concert goers […]

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COMING SOON: Seven major actions across the U.S. during Southeast, Midwest ‘Behind the Braids’ Tours!

Details come into focus for seven major actions during first Wendy’s Boycott tours of the fall season…Building on last week’s first-ever Wendy’s Boycott Summit in the heart of the Fair Food Nation, both farmworkers in Immokalee and their consumers allies are fanning back out across the country — animated by a full weekend of skill-building, action planning, and, of course, protesting — and pivoting to the next big thing on the horizon:  The Behind the Braids national Wendy’s Boycott tours!In early September, we announced the Behind the Braids tours and a final weekend of action in November, which will ramp up the Wendy’s Boycott […]

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Wendy’s Boycott Summit kickstarts campaign organizing for the year ahead!

80+ students, people of faith, and consumers of conscience gather for the first-ever Wendy’s Boycott Summit; Weekend of strategic planning highlighted by a boisterous Southwest Florida Wendy’s protest, with over 150 farmworkers and consumers kicking-off a calendar chockfull of action in the months ahead!This past weekend, nearly 90 allies from across the Alliance for Fair Food’s vibrant national network of people of faith, students, youth, food justice advocates, and grassroots organizations came together in Immokalee for a successful, first-ever Wendy’s Boycott Summit.  Hailing from nearly twenty different states and from dozens of high schools, universities, congregations, and community organizations from coast […]

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The Fair Food Sustainer Program takes off!

… and now we need to keep the momentum going!“This Program should be everywhere and cover everything… When are you coming to Tennessee?”“…this Program really has power… but [in order for it to keep growing] we all have to work together.”– Worker feedback from recent Fair Food Program human rights education sessions Over the course of the past two summers, the CIW’s worker-to-worker education team has been on the front lines of expanding the Fair Food Program’s protections to thousands of farmworkers in new states and new crops.  With the growth of the Program, more and more workers — from those picking tomatoes on farms from Georgia to New […]

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PHOTO REPORT: Celebration in Immokalee!

CIW members gather to celebrate independence holidays of Mexico, Central America, and mark beginning of Florida tomato season…With the start of the 2016-2017 tomato season right around the corner, farmworkers and their families are making their way back to Immokalee after a long, hot summer of following the tomato harvest.  And for the second year in a row, Immokalee workers were not alone in their annual trek north: Tomato pickers in six states along the East Coast received visits from the Fair Food Program’s CIW education team this summer, learning about their fundamental human rights on northern FFP farms.  This past Sunday — as happens this time every September — […]

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CALL TO ACTION: Become a founding member of the Fair Food Sustainer Program!

Together, we fought to make the dream of enforceable human rights for farmworkers a reality.Now, we need your support to bring these critical human rights to thousands of workers in new crops and regions.Become a Fair Food Sustainer now.Are you ready to do the impossible… again?Fifteen years ago, a small group of farmworkers and consumers stood on the side of State Road 41 in Ft. Myers, Florida, carrying an oversized papier-mâché tomato.  They gathered there, squeezed between strip malls and rush-hour traffic, to declare a national boycott of Taco Bell.Outside of Florida, only a handful of people had ever heard […]

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PHOTO REPORT: No Labor Day holiday respite for Wendy’s!

Over long weekend, farmworkers, communities of faith across the country celebrate holiday with powerful message for fast food giant…Keeping with a longstanding tradition, the Fair Food Nation celebrated Labor Day last week the way it was intended: In action!  From Boston, Massachusetts, to Columbus, Ohio, and sunny Immokalee, Florida, consumers turned a spotlight on the back-breaking, invaluable work of farm laborers, and on Wendy’s unconscionable failure to do its part to protect farmworkers’ dignity and fundamental human rights.  After a week of receiving report after inspiring report, we’ve put together a slideshow to showcase the powerful message from the streets and the congregations and temples of the Fair Food Nation on Labor Day Weekend. […]

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BREAKING: Farmworkers, allies announce ‘Behind the Braids’ national truth tours, weekend of action this fall!

This fall, farmworkers and their Fair Food allies will embark on six regional tours to reveal the ugly reality of farmworker exploitation behind Wendy’s façade of social responsibility…Fueled by the latest surge in support for the Wendy’s boycott – including last week’s endorsement by the National Council of Churches and the nearly 50,000 petition signatures on – farmworkers in Immokalee are ready to hit the road this fall with the truth about Wendy’s and its callous disregard for human rights!Starting the first week of October, just as the harvest season begins here in Immokalee, CIW members will join thousands of consumer […]

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National Council of Churches, Robert F. Kennedy Center endorse Wendy’s Boycott!

Human rights leaders continue to line up behind growing fast food boycott…Also: Great job, everyone…  Signatures on Wendy’s Boycott petition almost double overnight, nearing 50,000!!Even as thousands of consumers continue to add their names daily to the fast-growing Wendy’s Boycott petition, the movement to bring the fast-food giant into the Fair Food fold gained two more high profile institutional endorsements this past week — the National Council of Churches and the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights!We are proud to say that we have a longstanding and close relationship with both of these prestigious organizations, whose voices command great respect in the national […]

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Wendy’s Boycott goes viral! petition at 42,000 and growing by the minute…

CALL TO ACTION:  Take the Wendy’s Boycott petition to the next level on social media…Just two short weeks ago, launched a Wendy’s boycott petition, providing a fresh opportunity for Wendy’s to see just how badly it’s polling with consumers over its unconscionable decision to turn its back on farmworkers’ rights.  And if the 42,000+ new consumers that have joined the Wendy’s boycott across the country in just two weeks are any measure, Wendy’s is sinking fast!In the weeks ahead, Wendy’s will be watching as these petition numbers continue to rise, feeling the heat as more and more consumers sign up to boycott the hamburger giant.  We need to make sure […]

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Summer campers join Wendy’s Boycott, gather 100+ signatures to send to fast food hold-out!

Camp Kinderland — “Summer camp with a conscience”! — takes on Wendy’s with letter, petition to CEO Todd Penegor…Yesterday afternoon, we were surprised and thrilled to open a very special note at the CIW Community Center here in Immokalee.  The letter inside began thusly:We are writing from Camp Kinderland, a children’s camp in Massachusetts.  Each year, our children participate in a Peace Olympics, in which they learn about the issues of social justice in the United States and around the world.  This year, our theme was “My country is the Earth and I am a citizen of the world.”  One of our topics […]

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