
Showing posts with the label Mass.

Goftaotao Si Spock

George Takei says Leonard Nimoy was 'the most human person I've ever met'
by Stephan Lee Entertainment Weekly (Exclusive)
Posted March 2 2015 — 2:17 PM EST George Takei worked closely with Leonard Nimoy as Sulu in the Star Trek series. EW talked with the actor about his favorite memories of Nimoy and the brilliant actor - and friend - he remembers him to be.

EW: What were your initial thoughts upon hearing about Leonard’s death?

GEORGE TAKEI: He was a great man. I learned of his passing in a sad irony. We were in Boston just coming in from JFK now, but I learned at Logan Airport of Leonard’s passing—at his birthplace. It was almost a kind of a bookend. The place where he was born and to learn of his passing there. I know that it’s a very difficult time for his wife Susan and his children, Adam particularly, who himself is a director now. A chip off the old block. I send my heartfelt condolences to them.

What part did Leonard play in fighting for equal pay among the Star Tr…

A Thanksgiving Reminder

The Politics of Thanksgiving Day November 26, 2014 Thanksgiving Day is rooted in a myth of friendly cooperation between Native Americans and European settlers, celebrated a year after the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts and nearly starved. But the reality was more of one-sided generosity and two-faced betrayal, as William Loren Katz explains. By William Loren Katz As family excitement builds over Thanksgiving, you would never know November was Native American History Month. President Barack Obama publicly announced the month, but many more Americans will be paying much greater attention to his annual declaration of thanksgiving with the ceremonial pardoning of a turkey. Thanksgiving has a treasured place in the hearts of Americans, established as a national holiday by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 to rouse Northern patriotism for a war that was not going well. Since then, Thanksgiving has often served …

DNC Speeches #6: Candidate for U.S. Senate, Elizabeth Warren

2012 Democratic National Convention: Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Elizabeth Warren, Candidate for U.S. Senate, Massachusetts

The following is a copy of a speech, as prepared for delivery, by Elizabeth Warren, Candidate for U.S. Senate, Massachusetts, at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, September 5, 2012.

Thank you! I'm Elizabeth Warren, and this is my first Democratic Convention. Never thought I'd run for senate. And I sure never dreamed that I'd get to be the warm-up act for President Bill Clinton—an amazing man, who had the good sense to marry one of the coolest women on the planet. I want to give a special shout out to the Massachusetts delegation. I'm counting on you to help me win and to help President Obama win.

I'm here tonight to talk about hard-working people: people who get up early, stay up late, cook dinner and help out with homework; people who can be counted on to help their kids, their parents, their neighbors, and …

Death From Taxes

Sesso ti sina hu komprende Si Mitt Romney.

Anai hu atan gui', ti taisensia gui', ti taitiningo' gui'. Bunito gui' yan buente malate' gui' lokkue'.

Lao, sa' hafa fihu manlachi gui' taiguihi udu gui'?

Manaitai yu' meggai pa'go yan nigap put i sinangan-na siha gi me'nan i manriku ni' sumoppoppote gui'. Gof baba i sinangan-na, gi fino' Ingles ma sangan na este na klasin kuentos "divisive." Gi i sinangan-na ha fa'sahnge lamita na taotao gi i nasion, ya ilek-na na ayu siha taibali nu Guahu. Ti para siha na bei gubetno.

Ayu muna'klaru i hinasson i Manrepublicans gi este na botasion yan gi este na sakkan. Fihu ma fa'attende i manakpappa' yan i manggaige gi tinalo' na klas. Lao gi este na botasion kalang ma yuyute' ayu siha.

Anai estaba Si Romney i gubetno giya Massachusetts mas maolek na gayu gui'. Achokka' Republican gui', ti mampos "conservative" gui'. Gumubetno gu…

Romney Economics

Ti meggai i ekspirensia-na siha Si Mitt Romney gi gubetnamento.

Guaha na biahi na mas maolek este sa' i manenimigu-mu siha, ti sina ma hatme hao put i meggai na tinaya'-mu!

Lao, ti ilek-hu na taya' ekspirensia-na, ilek-hu ti meggai.

Desde 2002 asta 2006 Si Mitt Romney ha fa'cho'chu'i i taotao Massachusetts komo maga'lahin-niha (gubetno).

I mas dangkolu-na Si Mitt Romney na este na bida-na, ti gof maolek. Ti atanon este, ti gof bunito. Meggai inefresi-na siha lao guahlo' gui'. Ilek-na na Guiya para u atbansa iya Massachussetts, lao gi durante i tiempo-na gumof tunok i tano'-na put cho'cho', ekonomiha, salape' yan kobransa.

An malalagu hao para un takhilo' na ofisinan pulitikat taiguihi i Apa'ka na Guma' (lol), debi di fattayon i che'cho'-mu pulitikat. Lao para Si Romne ti meggai yan para i Republicans ti umaya yan i sisteman hinegge.

Massachusetts un sen "asut" na tano' gi i US. I bida-na Si Romney …

Fine'nina na Dinemo'

Esta tumunok Si Santorum.

Hagas tumunok Si Gingrich, lao ti ya-na umadmiti este.

Si Paul siempre i humohongge gui' para u kontinuha humahatsa i babao-na, lao gi minagahet esta mapedde' gui' lokkue'.

Gi i bandan Republican Si Romney i uttimo tumotohgue.

Pues para mo'na esta ki i botasion gi November, este un dos na taotao na inacha'igi.

Esta hagas i batkadan Obama pine'lon-niha na Si Romney para u i gayun Republican. Pues siempre esta manlisto siha para i cho'cho' put taimanu na sina ma tachi gui'.

Egga' este na video ni' hu na'chetton gi este na post.

Kalang dnanche Si Santorum annai ilek-na na Si Romney i mas daffe' na kandidatun Republican ni' sina kumontra Si Obama. I mabuena-na Si Romney na i health care na prugrama na Si Obama ha implemente, ha o'osge i hagas na pine'lon Romney giya Massachussetts annai estaba gubetno gui' guihi.

Esta i taotaon Obama siha manlisto para Si Romney, esta ma trutrukus gui' …