
Showing posts with the label Dizon

Don't Blame the Local

Karlo Dizon had a column in the PDN yesterday that disappointed me.

I was told by so many people during the election last year that Karlo Dizon is smart and someone with a real future in Guam politics. When I heard him speak during the campaign I found his emphasis on data and statistic to be interesting and in a way refreshing, but also worried that this would make him too "wonky." The eternal debate that takes place within voters is whether to vote for someone who is 1. better/smarter than they are, 2. someone they see as their equals, 3. someone that they see as being inferior to them and therefore makes themselves feel superior. For someone like Barack Obama, many people vote for him because of that feeling that he is more intelligent and articulate than they are and that is the way a leader should be. For someone like George W. Bush, alot of his popularity comes from the feeling of him being equal to or inferior to voters. Bush was safe, he didn't make you feel stup…

Unofficial 2012 Guam Primary Results

From GUAMPDN: 5:30AMUnofficial results of the Primary Election as of 5:30 a.m., with 58 of 58 precincts counted.
Brooks, Doris Flores 14,027
Gutierrez, Carl (write-in) 4,692
5:00 AMUnofficial results of the Primary Election as of 5 a.m., with 58 of 58 precincts counted. All election races, except public auditor race.
Bordallo, Madeleine Z. (I)    7,866
Dizon, Karlo 2,829
Blas, Frank Flores Jr. 5,301

Diaz, Jonathan Frank Blas 86

Rodriguez, Dennis G Jr. (I)        7,721
Aguon, Jr, Frank Blas        7,572
Ada, Thomas C “Tom” (I)        7,447
Muna Barnes, Tina Rose (I) 6,833
Cruz, Benjamin J.F. (I)        6,697
Won Pat, Judith T Perez (I)         6,674
Pangelinan, Vicente C. (I)        6,660
San Nicolas, Michael F.Q.         6,570
Respicio, Rory J. (I)        6,392
San Agustin, Joe S.          6,382
Palacios, Adolpho Borja Sr. (I)        6,306
Guthertz, Judith P. (I)        6,175
Naholowaa, Leah Beth Oligario         5,401

Delegate Debate

The delegate race has been unfolding in an interesting way in recent weeks.

For the first time ever Congresswoman Bordallo has a significant challenge for her re-election as Guam's non-voting delegate.

Frank Blas Jr. is challenging her on the Republican side, but their dialogue has been muted as Bordallo faces off two other challengers, one from within her own party and another an independent wild card. When the primary is over than the real race may be beginning. Delegates tend to have an incept date (Bladerunner reference) of 10 years, and so if Bordallo can survive this challenge, she'll have surpassed Won Pat, Blaz and Underwood in terms of longevity.

Karlo Dizon has shown himself to be very measured and intelligent in terms of addressing the issues, but to me he seems to suffer the populist, everyday appeal to changes someone from someone that a voter may find interesting, to someone they are excited to hand their vote to. In most circles you might refer to him as appea…