Sep 13, 2016

Nate Silver: Wisconsin Likely to Go with Hillary Clinton

Updated from, in Wisconsin Hillary Clinton is likely to beat back the white party's man, Donald Trump.

Fighting Police Harassment in Dane County Wisconsin

Update: An aroused public is the best defense against police tyranny. Since the deadly shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, protesters, witnesses, and victims of police brutality have taken to their phones to monitor and record police behavior, posting their videos on social media to shed light on the “official” account of events. In many of these incidents, the individuals documenting the events later alleged that police had harassed them in retaliation. ording or disseminating information related to government misconduct. Police must be trained on the First Amendment right to record, and that right must be guaranteed to all. Please stand with PEN America, People Demanding Action, and the ACLU in calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate this troubling trend of police retaliation against citizen journalists and enforce its policies on First Amendment rights.

Madison and Fitchburg, Wisconsin — The summer of 2008 was a magic time in American history.

From the near-south and north sides of Milwaukee across Wisconsin, people believed.

In Fitchburg, next to Madison, I worked as a polling worker on Election Day 2008, (and for the past some nine years), and I'll never forget the young, black man walking up to the voting rolls table where I was stationed and announcing, "I will be voting today."

Yes, sir, I replied.

The 20-something black man was intense and kind of loud as compared to the room. As likely as not he would be cited for disorderly conduct were he have to announced his intention to vote in the same manner at the Aug. 9, 2016 polling place in Fitchburg, Wisconsin five weeks ago.

We are a new state since 2011, and Republicans and racists are trying to take over the polling place.

A dark man speaking on equal terms with mostly white election inspectors in a room? Dude is just asking for trouble.

The man inspired me, and if he were reading this, I ask him to contact me because we need his voice in this hyper-segregated city of Fitchburg, Wisconsin, segregation being a fact you'll not read about the City website.

It is a fact we have a big racists-in-City Hall problem and a related racists-at-the-polling place problem. I could be wrong but I believe ignoring the defects of our city will not yield a solution.

The problem is made much worse by the fact that bureaucrats conspired to contrive a disorderly conduct charge against me for trying to vote, and sticking up for the civil liberties of others.

Local police gladly helped the bureaucrats, and I received a non-mandatory appearance complaint through First Class mail 29 days after Aug. 10 date of Citation.

This was in retaliation for my pointing out in an email racist City officials failed to place Election Day signs at the polling place on the presidential primary Election Day on April 5. I mean we don't black and brown folks showing up to vote  en mass?

This was in retaliation against me for pointing out in 2014 an armed police presence near the polling place is a very bad idea. That voters in our district's black neighborhoods needed to encounter police to vote is a bad idea.

There's more, stay tuned. To support Mal as I fight this disorderly conduct civil citation, go to Support Mal.

I've made a motion to dismiss pro se and appearing specially, as a nine-year sworn election inspector, (current to 2017), current 16-year Fitchburg resident, complainant of two public integrity investigations of Fitchburg City Hall election conduct, (filed 2013, 2016 with Dane County District Attorney), current writer indexed in Nexis and Westlaw, and current correspondent for the Fitchburg Star, (Wood Comm, Inc.).

I fully expect more harassment, intimidation attempts and abuse of process. Figure the more noise I make, the more I chronicle, the more difficult the attempt to persecute. Local civil rights workers agree.

Sep 12, 2016

Wisc. Voting System Marred by Bureaucrats, Republicans and Racists

Reporting on voter obstruction has noted the policy pretext of voter impersonation and the growing normalization of racism.

Deceit and racism animate the work of some election observers who in turn cause U.S. DoJ and civil rights observers to show up to watch them.

Check your polling place if you vote on Election Day, and you'll see what I mean.

The fact is many white Americans simply do not like the sight of black, brown and otherwise non-white voters showing up to effectively cancel their legitimate white votes.

White America wants its country back so Donald Trump has happily joined the fight against voting.

This fight against voting is administered at the local polling system by municipal bureaucrats populating smaller municipal offices. The human resources at the polling place, typically, are not the best and brightest.

Their aim often is to stop and frustrate the vote of as many non-whites as possible.

To become an election official, there is no test given on federal and state election law, administrative law, case law, voting rights, and the history of fighting for voting rights.

Now-a-days, the Republican Party names its poll workers and not on the basis of civil rights advocacy and understanding of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments.

The civil rights of the voter are not met at the point of voting with erudite voting rights advocates with both an understanding of, and inclination to preserve voting rights.

This defect comes from municipal bureaucrats, never the brightest bulbs of a community, populating our smaller municipal offices who administer elections with either an enlightened purpose of a liberal democracy or as in segregated Fitchburg, Wisconsin in Dane County a zeal to implement voter suppression.

Few object. This project is as deplorable as it is illegal.

Watch this space.

Sep 7, 2016

Wisconsin Factory Farm Summit, Sept 10-11 Comes Two Weeks before Voting

Two weeks after this weekend's Wisconsin Factory Farm Summit in Green Bay,  voting begins in the Nov. 8 presidential election.

The magnitude of this Wisconsin election cannot be overstated.

The future of clean, safe and fresh water are at stake, and the political choice is stark.

For the polluters are Wisconsin State Reps. such as Scott Krug (R-Rome) and Joel Kitchens (R-Sturgeon Bay). Today's Republican officeholders must declare their fealty to Big Ag polluters, no matter the costs to families and communities, streams, rivers and lakes.

Wasn't always like this, but this reality should guide voters. Care about safe water? Do not vote Republican!

Against the polluters in central Wisconsin, David Gorski is running for the 72nd assembly district as a clean water activist, (Facebook); and Lynn Utesch is running in the first assembly district as a clean water activist.

Many more campaigns are being run on clean water, but these two elections will tell the story of clean water in Wisconsin.

Sep 6, 2016

Wrongful Conviction: Penny Brummer Is Innocent and Still in Prison

Don't worry Penny, we'll keep up the edifying debate about how noble Dane County (Wisconsin) police really are amid 'mistakes' like Dane County throwing your life away.

From MC, Jan. 14, 2016

Penny Brummer - Wrongfully Convicted
by bigotry and police tunnel vision
Bigotry, police tunnel vision, police deceit, prosecutorial misconduct and the prison-industrial complex all suggest a criminal justice system gone way, way wrong.

Manitowoc, Wisconsin is one international focal point; Madison, Wisconsin is another.

Penny Brummer was convicted in 1995 for first degree intentional homicide and given a life sentence.

This is Madison, Wisconsin. The question advocates ask: Will a more enlightened community 20 years later give Ms. Brummer a new trial for a prosecution that should never have taken place?

That's really what advocates want because there is no chance in a million Brummer would be convicted today.

Bill Lueders has the story at Isthmus.

Writes Lueders:

Which brings us to Penny Brummer, convicted of the March 1994 murder of Sarah Gonstead, the best friend of Penny’s female ex-lover, after a night of barhopping. The case has all the hallmarks of wrongful conviction: No prior criminal history on Brummer’s part. No physical evidence tying her to the crime. No credible eyewitnesses, and one manifestly non-credible one. 

Which Dane County jurist will come forward and champion justice, and save the life of an innocent woman in the process?