Federal Politics


Sweetheart deals exposed: wealthy Catholic schools benefit from 'corruption' of Gonski

Catholic schools in wealthy suburbs across Australia are being significantly overfunded by taxpayers, with some receiving up to four times their appropriate funding levels under sweetheart deals struck in the dying days of the Rudd government.

Fairfax Media revealed last month that over 150 private schools across Australia receive more funding than they are entitled to under the Gonski formula, with some schools receiving up to 283 per cent of their entitlement.

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The great post-Gonski debate

Why have recent comments by Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham caused such a furore? Matthew Knott explains.

Now, new data from the Department of Education shows the inequities and distortions in Australia's school funding system extend to the Catholic sector.

Catholic schools are funded on a system-wide basis and state and territory Catholic education commissions distribute funding among their schools as they see fit.

The Catholic sector, which educates 20 per cent of Australian schoolchildren, insists it redistributes funding among its 1731 schools on the basis of need.

But Fairfax Media has uncovered many examples of Catholic schools that receive more government funding per student than local public schools and "over-funded" private schools in their area.


For example, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School in the Melbourne suburb of Prahran received $11,875 per student in combined federal and state government funding in 2014.

This is significantly more than nearby public school South Yarra Primary ($7,754) and private school Christ Church Grammar ($2,600), according to data published on the My School website.

Many Catholic schools are receiving more government funding than they are entitled to under the Gonski forumla.
Many Catholic schools are receiving more government funding than they are entitled to under the Gonski forumla.  Photo: Michele Mossop

Christ Church Grammar received 130 per cent of its entitlement, suggesting Our Lady of Lourdes is dramatically over-funded by taxpayers.

In the well-heeled Sydney suburb of St Ives, Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School received $9517 per student in funding in 2014.

This was more than $7,918 per student for St Ives Primary School and $2,742 for the high-fee Sydney Grammar preparatory school.

Corpus Christi has a Socio Economic Status (SES) score of 126, placing it among the most advantaged schools in the country.

This is scarce money that could be given schools of high need

The case of Catholic schools in the ACT is the starkest example of the special deals Education Minister Simon Birmingham says has led to the corruption of the Gonski Review recommendations.

Under a deal struck between the Catholic sector and the Rudd government less than two months before the 2013 election, ACT Catholic schools were all allocated an SES score score of 101 - the same as NSW and Victoria.

This is despite ACT Catholic schools having an average SES score of 118 and some having a score as high as 128.

A low SES score inflates the federal funding schools receive because it is assumed parents have a reduced "capacity to contribute" to their child's education.

Public school advocate Trevor Cobbold, a former Productivity Commission economist, said it appeared ACT Catholic schools were receiving $50 million in excess federal funding a year because of the deal.

According to his calculations, schools such as Canberra's St Thomas More's Primary School were receiving four times more funding than if they had been funded according to their true SES score.

"These type of deals are completely contrary to the Gonski principles," he said. "This is scarce money that could be given schools of high need."

Senator Birmingham said he was determined to do away with the "cosy deals Bill Shorten ran around the country stitching up before the 2013 election".

"Similar non-government schools should be treated consistently by the federal government, wherever they are in Australia, just as similar state government schools should be treated consistently," he said.

"It is not fair that a student in a school of similar or identical disadvantage in one part of the country gets $1500 less or $1500 more from the federal government than a similar-looking school elsewhere in the nation."

National Catholic Education Commission executive director Ross Fox said: "Our funding operates on clear principles of equity and need and I believe we do that well."

He said the SES score allocated to a school does not always reflect its specific needs and that system-wide funding allows the Catholic sector to efficiently distribute funds between schools.

Catholic schools receive receive 83 per cent of the overall government funding given to public schools and are usually low-fee, he said.

Mr Fox said there were "very good reasons" for Catholic schools in the ACT to be treated differently to other jurisdictions.

Low-income residents tend to be more evenly spread throughout Canberra than Sydney or Melbourne, he said, which means the ACT has a "hidden disadvantage" not reflected in SES scores.

School funding snapshot: Sydney

  • Sydney Grammar School, St Ives preparatory campus

Sector: Independent

Government funding per student: $2,742

Fees and charges per student: $26,413

  • Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, St Ives

Sector: Catholic

Government funding per student: $9,517

Fees and charges per student: $2,970

  • St Ives Public School

Government funding per student: $7,918

Fees and charges per student: $1,466

School funding snapshot: Melbourne

  • Christ Church Grammar School, South Yarra

Sector: Independent

Government funding per student: $2,711

Fees and charges per student: $20,587

  • Our Lady of Lourdes School, Prahran

Sector: Catholic

Government funding per student: $11,875

Fees and charges per student: $1,720

  • South Yarra Primary School

Sector: Public

Government funding per student: $7,754

Fees and charges per student: $635

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