Privacy Policy

All of us at Polldaddy take your privacy and security very seriously. This privacy statement discloses our information practices and declares our data collection methods, usage and confidentiality policies throughout our site.

Different areas of this site may incorporate their own set of policies depending on the respective services offered and the data collection requirements. A separate policy is described for each area.

The Polldaddy Website - General Policy

  • Policy Scope This policy applies to all areas of the Polldaddy website with the exception of the customer area which is governed by a separate privacy policy. It is the responsibility of linked website's to provide their own privacy policies and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of any such website's.

  • Technical Support When you contact Polldaddy support any details you provide us are used only to help solve any issues you have and will do not make any of this information available to any third parties.

  • Cookies The area of the site governed by this policy does not use "cookies" (which are small pieces of information that your browser stores on your computer's hard drive), with the exception of anonymous session cookies. A session cookie only ever contains a unique identifier for managing session state and therefore does not contain any personally identifiable information. Session cookies are automatically deleted when the web browser is closed.

The Customer Account Area

  • Policy Scope This policy applies to the customer resources area including the log-in and log-out pages.

  • Authentication & Security

    To protect the privacy of your information all users must be authenticated using a username and password system before gaining admittance to this area.

    Users are strongly advised not to share their log-on details with others, otherwise this may result in their access to this area being terminated if we determine that there has been a breach of a user's privacy or security. This policy is to the benefit of all legitimate users. The customer area is constantly monitored for any prohibited activity.

  • Collection & Use of Information

    The customer area presents a highly individualized facility for managing reports and raw data. In order to provide this facility we have to record basic user usage of the facility, for example to customize the poll list for each user.

    To protect the customer resources area from misuse we actively monitor all logins into the system in addition to recording standard web logs. We collect login dates and times as well as recording IP addresses on an individual basis. In addition, we record details on all actions that are taken, also on an individual basis. This allows us to perform individual analysis of patterns of activity for the purposes of detecting prohibited access and misuse of the resources in the system.

    Support facilities are provided to assist users who may have problems logging in. This may involve the user emailing to us their contact and original order information in order to provide proof of purchase. While this information is usually discarded once the request has been fulfilled, it may be retained indefinitely in special circumstances where it might prove useful to compile a past history of such requests, for example if we suspect that a user is attempting to gain access fraudulently.

    To expedite the handling of priority support e-mail's we may record computer and browser information. This allows us to quickly deal with common problems arising from incompatible system settings, for example if we detect that a user's browser does not support cookies.

    Customers may provide suggestions via the customer feedback facility and this information may be retained indefinitely in order to serve as a valuable repository of ideas for future products and services.

    Customers may view and edit their personal contact information and preferences. We may use this information to market new releases and upgrades, and for general customer announcements.

    Please note that we do not receive or ever store any financial information such as credit card details and that none of the information we collect is ever shared with any third parties outside of our immediate e-commerce providers.

  • Who may use the Information

    Only authenticated customers may enter the customer area.

    Our administration staff may monitor site usage and use collected information to administer and maintain the privacy and security of the website.

    Our support staff may use collected information to perform requested support tasks and any additionally supplied information will only be used for completion of the activity for which the data was provided.

    None of the information we collect is ever shared with any third parties outside of our immediate e-commerce providers.

  • Accessing and Correcting your Information

    Users may use the customer area to view and update their immediate contact details.

    Subject to proof of identity, customers may on request obtain a full report containing all of the personally identifiable information we have recorded about them.

    Customers may contact customer support directly to request corrections to be made to any recorded information if they consider it to be incorrect.

    If a customer has had their account put on hold, they may contact customer support to attempt to have their account reinstated.

Tools We Provide Within Our Services

All of the following tools operate under the main domain (and other subdomains and mapped domains). All data collected is the property of the customer and is just hosted / facilitated by us. Polldaddy stores this information securely on behalf of the customer who collected it. This information is only accessible by that customer. When the customer has finished using the data it is deleted.

  • Polls

    Polldaddy allows our customers to create polls, for their own personal use on their website's etc. The software records any of the following data when a recipient of the poll responds, IP address, browser information, OS information, time and date of event, and any text or choices entered by the recipient.

    This information is never shared with anyone except the customer for which it is intended unless our customer gives us permission to do so. Once the customer requests that this information is deleted from their account, we delete it permanently, and do not store it for any further use.

    All data collected is the property of the customer and is just hosted / facilitated by us. Polldaddy stores this information securely on behalf of the customer who collected it. This information is only accessible by that customer. When the customer has finished using the data it is deleted.

  • Surveys

    Polldaddy allows our customers to create surveys, for their own personal use on their website's etc. The software records any of the following data when a recipient of the survey responds, IP address, browser information, OS information, time and date of event, and any text or choices entered by the recipient.

    This information is never shared with anyone except the customer for which it is intended unless our customer gives us permission to do so. Once the customer requests that this information is deleted from their account, we delete it permanently, and do not store it for any further use.

    All data collected is the property of the customer and is just hosted / facilitated by us. Polldaddy stores this information securely on behalf of the customer who collected it. This information is only accessible by that customer. When the customer has finished using the data it is deleted.