Daily Life

Is this the world's healthiest diet, or just another extreme eating regime?


In theory, it sounds like the perfect way to eat: no restricted food portions, no counting calories, no food cravings; just plenty of nutrient-rich foods.

Nutritarians try to eat foods containing the maximum amount of micronutrients per calorie.
Nutritarians try to eat foods containing the maximum amount of micronutrients per calorie.  Photo: Stocksy

Welcome to the 'nutritarian' diet, that claims to reverse heart disease.

The basic premise is simple - cut the processed stuff and eat real, nutritious food. However, the diet itself a little more complicated.

It has its own food pyramid, with vegetables at the foundation - which, the diet says, should constitute 90 per cent of the daily intake.

Unlimited quantities of fresh fruit and beans are allowed, as is a limited amount of whole grains and seeds, and some minimally processed foods, like tofu or tempeh.


Meat dairy and oils (labelled "nutrient poor" choices) are limited to two or less servings per week.

Beef and cheese are practically verboten, sitting at the pointy end of the pyramid as foods "you should eat very little of, if any at all", alongside sweets and processed foods.

Research is beginning this year to evaluate the health benefits of the diet, which may include reduced risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

This research is being conducted by Northern Arizona University in conjunction with the Nutritional Research Foundation (NRF), where Dr Joel Fuhrman is director of research.

Dr Fuhrman is the American family physician who coined the term 'nutritarian', and penned the New York Times bestseller on the topic, Eat to Live, first published in 2003.

He also created his self-titled "health equation" where "health equals nutrients/calories", with the idea that we should eat foods containing the "most micronutrients per calorie".

Dr Fuhrman's newest book, The End of Heart Disease, released in April, says it offers "a scientifically proven, practical program to prevent and reverse heart disease", by following nutritarian principles. Reported benefits include lowered blood pressure, body fat and LDL cholesterol levels.

While these benefits sound impressive, the diet itself echoes other popular 'clean eating' trends, like cutting out grains or eschewing dairy.

This worries nutritionist Lyndi Cohen, who says it can lead followers towards an "extreme" form of ultra-virtuous and possibly obsessive eating.

Called orthorexia nervosa, Eating Disorders Victoria says the condition is characterised by an unhealthy obsession with consuming foods perceived to be healthy. The website states: "[It] can start with 'healthy' or 'clean' eating, then progress to the elimination of entire food groups…"

Ms Cohen believes it's better to "pick and choose" the best bits of the diet, which include "counting nutrients instead of calories, and eating more plant-based food".

Dr Furhman's Aggregate Nutrient Dense Index (ANDI) score ranks food according to micronutrients per calorie.

The highest-ranking foods scoring 1000-plus include collard greens and cooked kale. Raw spinach scores 739, brussels sprouts 672, raw broccoli 376, carrot juice 344, whole wheat bread 25, for example. At the other end of the scale are the poorest nutritional choices such as potato chips, 11, french fries, 7, and cola, 1.

He advocates eating greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds (which he groups under the nifty acronym G-BOMBS) daily to prevent cancer. 

Laura Alessi, 36, blogs at Nutritarian Australian Girl and has been following the diet since 2012.

She swapped her usual eggs on toast for breakfast for a green smoothie with kale and hemp seeds. Lunch, which used to be a gluten-free ham salad sandwich, is now kale and chickpea salad. Instead of ice cream for dessert, she eats a bowl of frozen, blended bananas.

She credits the diet with helping her lose 30 kilos, conceiving her daughter naturally after suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome and clearing up her psoriasis.