
Reach all the progressives, lefties, radicals and other awesome people that read The Indypendent!

Placing your ad in The Indypendent means low rates, a great audience, and excellent exposure.

We accept advertising for eventsorganizations and small businesses with a commitment to social justice, activism, and making the world a better place.

We keep our ad-to-print ratio low, and have great rates for nonprofits. If you would like to advertise with us in print or on the web, please contact ads(at) or call 212-904-1282 and ask for Alina.

Ads are available in all sizes — from eighth-page black and white ads to full-page full color ads, we have what you need. We can also help distribute flyers, palm cards and other promotional materials for your film premiere, workshop or conference as we drop the paper off in hundreds of locations around the city.

Our regular advertisers include Democracy Now!, Haymarket Books, Monthly Review Press, AK Press, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, Brecht Forum, Bluestockings, Peoples' Voice Cafe and Law and Disorder Radio.

Organizations and businesses that have previously advertised with us include Nation Books, Picador, St. Martin's Press, The New Press, South End Press, Human Rights Watch Film Festival, POV, BAM Afro-Punk Festival, Foundry Theater, Yes Men, Cinema Libre Studios, First Run Features,  WBAI Radio, TWU Local 100, CUNY School of Professional Studies, CUNY Law School, The New School, National Lawyers Guild, Healthcare-Now!, Rainforest Action Network, Earth Day New York, Clearwater Festival, Code Pink, War Resisters League, Courage to Resist, Picture the Homeless, Metropolitan Council on Housing, United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), Young Democratic Socialists, Union for Radical Political Economics, Times Up!, Left Forum, National Media Reform Congress, Historical Materialism Conference, NYC Grassroots Media Conference, Brooklyn Food Conference, WhyHunger, Community Markets, The Bronx Green Business Summit, 4th St. Food Co-op, Professional Staff Congress-CUNY/AFT Local #2334, Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union and the Lower East Side Federal Credit Union

For more information, ask us for a copy of our media kit. To do so, email ads(at) or call 212-904-1282 and ask for Alina.

We offer a variety of advertising placements, ranging from full page to quarter-page ads. For examples of what we offer, see below.

Full-page, full color ads, both inside and back cover placement:

Half-page and quarter-page ads, full-color, spot color and black and white, inside placement:

Eighth-page ads, black and white, inside placement:

Banner ads, full color, front cover placement: