Pastor's Corner

Secret Sin Will Devour You

matt moore

I am convinced that sin takes its most vigorous and incapacitating form as it festers in secrecy. When a Christian shields his sins from others and outwardly portrays himself to be more whole and stable than he truly is — this Christian is in the direst of predicaments.

Bringing Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism Together

Joseph D\'souza

In a recent meeting discussing the future of Islam in Britain, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, a prominent lawyer and the first Muslim woman appointed to a U.K. Cabinet, expressed her deep belief in Britain's need to return to its Christian roots.

To Both the Compromiser and the Legalist: REPENT!

Shane Idleman

Popular opinion says that because we are "no longer under law, but under grace" (Romans 6:14) our choices are no longer bound to the law...the "thou shalt nots" no longer apply; we have complete freedom. But this twisting of the truth attempts to justify sin.

True Steps to Becoming a Godly Man

Nathan Tabor

What does it mean to be a man of God or a Godly man? It probably depends on who you ask and their unique perception. Some would say that being a man of God doesn't sound like very much fun, while others would consider a man of this caliber to be utterly weak.

6 Prayer Requests From Your Pastor

Shane Pruitt

What is a pastor? According to Webster's Dictionary, a Pastor is "a spiritual overseer." That means a pastor's job description is to oversee people's spiritual wellbeing; a concept that God cares most about in people, but, often the people care the least about in themselves.

Questions for Andy Stanley About the Bible

Andy Stanley

In the midst of a multi-part preaching series, megachurch pastor Andy Stanley said, "So I need you to listen really carefully and the reason is this — perhaps you were taught, as I was taught, 'Jesus love me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.' That is where our trouble began."

The Only Thing Holding Many Churches Together Is ...

Shane Idleman

I knew a pastor who instructed his worship leader to remove songs that mentioned the Holy Spirit, and another pastor who removed songs about the blood of Christ. How sad ... in their zeal to avoid charismatic excesses and offensive truths, these pastors actually quenched and grieved the Spirit.

Church News

Richard Howe
(Photo: Screengrab/

Why I Don't Have a Biblical Worldview and You Shouldn't Either, Says Christian Philosophy Professor

Interpreting the Holy Bible will always involve a person using outside sources, according to a Christian philosophy professor giving remarks at the annual Southern Evangelical Seminary apologetics conference.

You Can\'t Hide From the Culture Wars!

Have Christians Lost the Culture War in America?

As American secular society becomes increasingly hostile toward Christians, many are asking if the culture war has already been lost or if they should keep fighting, refusing to yield to the siren song of premature withdrawl in a war that is not yet lost.