Federal Politics


Shorten has erred in backing new Senator Kimberley Kitching

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Kimberley Kitching is smart, charming and engaging. She has been a Melbourne councillor, a lawyer, a political adviser and a senior union manager. Kitching ticks many Labor boxes.

But Bill Shorten made a terrible call backing her to replace Stephen Conroy in the Senate, a plum role once held by Labor giants  John Button and Gareth Evans.

Kimberley Kitching
Kimberley Kitching  

It's not how she got the job; most Labor politicians, even the good ones, get their start through an ugly factional knife-fight. It is not even her significant role in the amoral political culture that dominates and is hollowing out Victoria's Labor right faction.

There are two main issues, one uncomfortable for the Labor sisterhood and the other undeniable: her contribution to the ongoing factional abuse of the disgraced Health Services Union.

Many in Labor - fairly or not - judge Kitching by her husband, the notorious former blogger, ex-bankrupt and close Shorten confidant, Andrew Landeryou.

Landeryou lurks in the nether regions of the internet, defaming factional and other enemies on social media or his former blog - which he closed down when Shorten became leader in 2013.


He is both influential within Labor circles - a key figure in its poisonous factional  culture - and so loathed that an application by him to rejoin the party has remained unprocessed for months.

Many Labor figures splutter with rage at the mere mention of his name.

Kitching and Landeryou are a tight-knit political team, working to further Shorten's interests and their own.  For Kitching, Landeryou and Shorten the personal and political are entwined.

Landeryou and Shorten go back even further, as part of the Young Labor Right 'gang of four', as they were sometimes known, that also included current federal MPs David Feeney and Richard Marles.

Even the late Joan Kirner, former Labor premier and ardent feminist, couldn't untangle the personal and political. She opposed Kitching's bid for a western suburban seat in 2013.

There are other issues. 

Kitching's time as general manager at the disgraced Health Services Union No.1  branch in Victoria should disqualify her as a Labor candidate.  

In just a few years at the HSU she came under  scrutiny over her role in workplace permit forgery and for lying to the Fair Work Commission to cover it up. She was recommended for possible criminal charges by the Royal Commission into union corruption.

The union was also used for Labor branch stacking and run to the brink of insolvency.

The HSU branch - now rebadged as the Health Workers Union - should be a cause close to the hearts of Labor people. It is supposed to represent the interests of low-paid hospital cleaners, orderlies and kitchen staff, to help improve their lives and living standards.

Instead, the HSU No. 1 branch has been used, abused and fought over for decades by warring sub-factions of the Victorian Labor right, including the disgraced Kathy Jackson.

Every senior Labor right figure in Victoria in recent times has sought to control it, including Bill Shorten, Stephen Conroy and David Feeney.  Shorten now does. The motive has been political power, not low-paid workers.

Nothing changed in Kitching's time as general manager.

In 2012, Kitching was one of a motley collection including branch-stackers and spivs that won power at the branch after Bill Shorten, as workplace minister, put it into administration.

Shorten's allies have since controlled the union, replacing sub-factional rivals linked to Feeney, Jackson and their own unfortunate subordinates.

The next step in the factional chess game involves the HWU rejoining the Labor Party, a move that is expected to be formalised in the coming months. The union left the party after the corruption scandals involving HSU 'alumni' Craig Thomson and Michael Williamson.

No doubt the branch will provide useful numbers for Shorten and his faction. It will help in his bid to remain leader and to deliver allies and friends like Kitching into the Senate and elsewhere.

It will give Kitching a base from which to one day to become a minister.

But a union whose main focus is low-paid workers? Forget it. The sad decline of Australia's once great labour movement continues apace.

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