- published: 29 Apr 2015
- views: 96955
Orel or Oryol (meaning eagle in some Slavic languages) may refer to:
Beforel Orel: Trust Promo
Orlická televize: Orel královský
Moral Orel Unaired and Uncensored Bloopers/Outtakes
Králové hor (2015) Orel útočí na kamzíka HD
Bloqués #96 - Orel a un synthé
【KanColle MAD】 Orel Cruising & LSC Song [ENG Sub]
Moral Orel Season1 06 Omnipresence
Top Ten Sexy Moments: Orel's At It | Moral Orel | Adult Swim
Bloqués #88 - Orel fait son foufou
Orel mořský a vrána černá
A Moral Orel special that sheds light on the origin of Orel’s religious nature and the birth of his brother, Shapey. This content is the property of Adult Swim For full episodes visit www.adultswim.com
Orel královský, dravec z čeledi krahujcovitých, obývá otevřené krajiny s osamocenými stromy od střední Evropy po Mongolsko. V Evropě hnízdí vzácně na jihu a jihovýchodě v lesích nebo stepích.V říjnu migruje za teplem a v březnu se vrací. Rozpětí křídel dravce je od 170 do 200 cm, velikost 72 - 84 cm a hmotnost 2500 - 4500 gramů. Orel královský se podobá orlu skalnímu, má však kratší ocas a stejnoměrně široká křídla. Dospělí ptáci jsou velmi tmaví, se zlatavým zátylkem světlejším než u orla skalního a bílými skvrnami na ramenou. Spodní křídelní krovky jsou velmi tmavé a ocas hustě proužkovaný s černým pruhem na konci. Mladí ptáci jsou pískově hnědí, s čárkovanou hrudí, kontrastující se světlým břichem. Vnitřní ruční letky tvoří světlé pole v křídle. V České republice se vzácně objevoval v ...
Never before seen outtakes from the Adult Swim series Moral Orel. Download this video for offline viewing http://catchvideo.net/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQAfo-F8F-WE
v kinech od: 24. 12. 2015 Bioscop | http://www.totalfilm.cz Mládě orla je svým starším bratrem vyhozeno z hnízda, a tím odsouzeno k smrti. Chlapec Lucas (Manuel Camacho) nezná lásku, ani teplo domova. Po smrti matky se jeho otec (Tobias Moretti) uzavřel do sebe a utápí se v zármutku. Osud svádí Lucase a orlí mládě dohromady. Chlapec ptáče zachrání a pojmenuje ho Abel. Tajně se o něj stará, krmí ho. Ve společnosti mladého dravce nachází lásku a přátelství, které mu doma tolik chybí. S pomocí starého lovce Danzera (Jean Reno) učí Abela létat a lovit. Jak dravec roste a sílí, blíží se den, kterého se Lucas bojí. Den, kdy bude muset svého opeřeného přítele vypustit zpět do volné divočiny.
En attendant qu'il se passe quelque chose, ils ont décidé de ne rien faire. L'intégralité des épisodes sur : http://www.canalplus.fr/bloques Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BloquesTV Twitter : https://twitter.com/bloques Instagram : https://instagram.com/bloques/ Vine : @bloqués Snapchat : @bloquéstv
Title: 58で夜のオリョクルさようなら改 English: Goodbye, 58 Nights of Orel Cruising Kai Source: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23962657 Author: 焼酉 Parody: Watamote ED3 This song is about how Admirals abuse Submarines to farm Fuel and Ammo in World 2-3 Eastern Orel Bay, in order to obtain Yamato from Large Scale Construction (LSC), except failing all the time due to result being Mutsu (sometimes it is Fusou, Ise and Kongou-class...) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ I do not own anything! 私は何も所有していない! I don't own anything in the video, including the audio. The credits go to the respective owners. This video was forwarded for sake of users who cannot watch Japanese sources, and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing! _ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/death.usagi Twitter: http...
Orel comes up with a cunning plan to enable him to masturbate and go to heaven. One small boy with one long ladder. Subscribe to the Adult Swim UK YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHcMtE3EiKmqrJZBZyUBuRQ?sub_confirmation=1 Connect with Adult Swim Online: Visit Adult Swim WEBSITE: http://www.adultswim.com Like Adult Swim on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/AdultSwimUK Follow Adult Swim on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/adultswimuk Adult Swim is your late-night home for animation and live-action comedy. Enjoy some of your favourite shows, including Robot Chicken, Venture Bros., Tim and Eric, Aqua Teen, Metalocalypse, Squidbillies, Frisky Dingo, Assy McGee and more. Watch some playlists. Fast forward, rewind, pause. It's all here. And remember to visit http://www.adultswim...
En attendant qu'il se passe quelque chose, ils ont décidé de ne rien faire. L'intégralité des épisodes sur : http://www.canalplus.fr/bloques Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BloquesTV Twitter : https://twitter.com/bloques Instagram : https://instagram.com/bloques/ Vine : @bloqués Snapchat : @bloquéstv
Da Murderers
Vita, Ja Rule
I be runnin' and gunnin' them down
Leave me or love me now
Anywhere, anyhow
You and I together
And we blast forever
I be runnin' and gunnin' them down
Leave me or love me now
Anywhere, anyhow
You and I together
And we blast forever
Ja's the dream and nigga's wake up and sweats it's about
Horse head in your bed, nigga
Gun your mouth potty it out wrong nigga
Spit one more thang and have your hood pouring out liquor
'Cause my niggas run through lesbians
Niggas, that act like brawds feel the strip and thus be gone
Hold up, nigga that done spread up
You might wanna keep in touch with the Murderers
'Cause we, the Murderers I.N.C.
Is above y'all niggas, it's the lord in me
And we can never be at a love's lost
But you showed me love ain't boss
Feel the force this young horse known as Rule
Gave more paper to jigga for my jewels
And lord knows ain't no pussy going to stop my flow
I don't love you hoes, I'm out the door
I be runnin' and gunnin' them down
Leave me or love me now
Anywhere, anyhow
You and I together
And we blast forever
I be runnin' and gunnin' them down
Leave me or love me now
Anywhere, anyhow
You and I together
And we blast forever
You that mother fucking bitch, Vita nigga
You want me to ryde you nigga, clap up and hide you nigga
Been beside my niggas for this long
I'm keeping my head right and tight and doe long, I can go on
About this shit I've been through
Transponed, keys are in too, shit I got issues
If I pop a bitch, you probably a snitch
L A V I C A A K K Taday Vallet shit
When my niggas from my bitches
Sold drugs from niggas to the Murderers
I'm the bitch, sometimes I even spit on chicks
'Cause in the clubs, I say criss and I piss the shit, baby
I know your brawd's been feeling me, lately
Now livin' and lay 'cause I touch them with gun blades
Dark is us any light, shine, we bust
Vita, Gotti and Rule, we make up the Murderers
I be runnin' and gunnin' them down
Leave me or love me now
Anywhere, anyhow
You and I together
And we blast forever
I be runnin' and gunnin' them down
Leave me or love me now
Anywhere, anyhow
You and I together
And we blast forever
The reasons why I pop between the lie
Be the same reasons I clap off the nines
Roll up on bronx, like, who da hot bitch
And stock with some sweats, humpin' out on sixth
That's it, go head baby, floss on bitches butt
Me, I'ma continue to clap niggas
Strike and heavy hitters that play the field
Reveal, pull that weapon and re keep the seal
It's murder to the end, it's murder for life
Only Jesus Christ made us a strongest sacrifice
These niggas I die for, lies to the fed form
Set out these bitch niggas, I pick them in bad form
Baby, I'm long gone but I'm loyal for the love
That you show your bitches and spread to your thugs
And they tongues get slugged when the fucking wit us
We crazy, that's why we Murderers baby
I be runnin' and gunnin' them down
Leave me or love me now
Anywhere, anyhow
You and I together
And we blast forever
I be runnin' and gunnin' them down
Leave me or love me now
Anywhere, anyhow
You and I together