Ottawa Hospital study shows simple, inexpensive plan saves lives of sepsis patients

Close up of syringe vial and pills on Septicemia text alexskopje / Getty Images/iStockphoto

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In emergency rooms across the country, sepsis kills more people than strokes, heart attacks or car accidents, but it tends to receive less attention than more dramatic medical events. 

The Ottawa Hospital has put in place measures to address that disparity — and a new study shows that its simple, low-cost program is paying big dividends: It has reduced the mortality rate among severe sepsis patients by 13 percentage points, which translates into about 50 lives per year.

Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition that results from the body’s runaway response to a serious infection. It most commonly affects those over the age of 65, but young children and people with a compromised immune system are also at risk. 

In 2009, more than 30,000 sepsis cases required hospitalization in Canada. Research shows that, typically, more than 30 per cent of them die from the condition or a related one, known as septic shock. 

“Sepsis masquerades as many other conditions, often resulting in a delayed recognition of the serious infection until the patient falls critically ill,” said Dr. Tamara McColl, a former emergency medicine resident at The Ottawa Hospital and the lead author of the new study.

That study, published in the Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, examines the impact of the “sepsis bundle” introduced in the hospital’s two emergency departments.

The idea behind the initiative was to treat sepsis patients with the same “aggressive mindset” brought to bear on other critical conditions. 

The program stresses the need for medical staff to identify sepsis cases quickly, and to deliver treatments — intravenous fluids and antibiotics — before the illness advances to a critical stage.

It was introduced after an internal review found that the hospital’s 2008 sepsis protocol was not working as intended. A hospital committee redesigned the protocol after studying patient management and consulting with doctors, bedside nurses, triage nurses and managers.  

The new system includes measures to flag potential sepsis cases on medical charts and departmental white boards; it also ensures that flagged patients are placed in designated beds where they can be closely monitored. 

What’s more, the new protocol gives nurses the ability to initiate an IV without a doctor’s approval, and tasks them with reminding physicians of the need to treat all sepsis cases within one hour of arrival. 

As part of the initiative, the hospital also introduced an extensive education campaign that featured posters, pocket cards, group presentations and luncheons. 

The program was introduced in the second half of 2013. 

McColl and her former colleagues — she’s now an emergency physician in Winnipeg — then studied two cohorts of sepsis patients: those treated in the five months preceding the new protocol and those treated in the months after its introduction. The two study groups had similar underlying medical conditions.

The researchers documented a significant drop in the 30-day mortality rate among sepsis patients: from 30.7 per cent under the old protocol to 17.3 per cent with the new one. Further analysis showed patients in the second cohort were diagnosed and treated in a “notably shorter” time than those in the first group, which meant fewer sepsis patients required invasive treatments or admission to intensive care.

The researchers said the study demonstrates the importance of refining hospital systems to ensure sepsis protocols are followed. 

“These simple and low cost interventions and results could likely be replicated in other emergency departments,” they concluded, “and…could ultimately improve patient outcomes on a larger scale.” 

Health care statistics in both the United States and Canada suggest the number of sepsis cases is rising as the population ages and as diagnosis of the condition improves.

Severe sepsis causes inflammation that can impair blood flow to vital organs, such as the brain, heart and kidneys; it can trigger the formation of dangerous blood clots and an extreme drop in blood pressure. Death can result from organ failure. 

Recognizing sepsis

One of the reasons that sepsis kills so many people — more than 9,000 a year in Canada — is that it is often hard to recognize as a medical emergency. 

Sepsis is the term used to describe what happens when the body’s immune system goes into overdrive and mounts a toxic, overwhelming response to an infection. It can be triggered by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.

Most sepsis cases start when people are at home, and a campaign has been launched by the Sepsis Alliance, a U.S.-based charity, to help people recognize its symptoms. Warning signs include chills or fever, a high heart rate and shortness of breath. People with sepsis can also have extreme pain or discomfort, clammy or sweaty skin, and exhibit signs of confusion or disorientation. 

The Sepsis Alliance recommends: “Watch for a combination of these symptoms. If you suspect sepsis, call 911 or go to a hospital and say, ‘I am concerned about sepsis.’ “


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