- published: 17 Sep 2016
- views: 2283
Nick Cheung Ka-fai (born 2 December 1967) is a Hong Kong actor and director. He is a former Royal Hong Kong Police officer for four years, but he left the job after his request to be transferred to the criminal investigation department was turned down. He then worked for Danny Lee's film production company. His film debut is "Thank you, Sir!", as a student at the Royal Hong Kong Cadet School. From 1989 to 1994, he worked at the television station ATV World. Later, he left ATV and joined another station, TVB. He left TVB in 2001, and worked mainly on films. His fame was built on Wong Jing's comedy at first, but he has changed his acting style for more sombre roles since 2003. He was nominated for his first Hong Kong film award in 1999, and won his first award in 2009 for his role in Beast Stalker. He has been nominated many times at the Hong Kong Film Awards and other Chinese film awards since then.
Cheung has won seven awards for his role in Beast Stalker (2008), including Hong Kong Film Critics Society Award for Best Actor, Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor, and Golden Horse Film Award for Best Actor.
立即到各大數碼平台下載或收聽: https://UniversalMusicHongKong.lnk.to/YouAreMyBelovedLadyYD 曲:汪峰 詞:汪峰 編:雷頌德 監:雷頌德
張家輝 - Nick Cheung - Actor Movie Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1592076674391364/ ☼ SUBCRIBE FOR MORE: http://goo.gl/iBMdev Nick Cheung is the best! 張家輝 new HD here: https://goo.gl/vVgaqR THANKS FOR WHATCHING.
In my future I hope to find a husband like Nick Cheung he is so sweet. Im very happy for Esther they are a perfect couple.Video dedicated to this wonderful couple. This videois made me and my friends credit @ kristy lee. Enjoy leave a comment.
Unbeatable 激戰 張家輝 Nick Cheung 彭于晏 Eddie Pang 練習 Sound of Silence I Don't own the copyright ! If people really love this movie, please buy the DVD or Blu-ray to support HK Movie Industry
張家輝 現已登陸 iTunes | NOW available on iTunes :http://url.cn/7au9gH 假的希望 曲: 陳俊庭 詞: 李敏 編曲/監製: 伍樂城 Vocal Producer: Tony Kong 假的希望 能導致更多失望 我怎可不記起 流著熱淚時你的眼光 你怎倚傍 無力是我的肩膀 你這一刻跌傷 而並沒及時做你翅膀 * 願我可拋開一切 未清醒 可惜我不敢跟你談愛情 明白你最盼望看星 我卻製造滿天泡影 願你可睜開雙眼 極清醒 這感覺就像突然重見光明 然後你要擦亮眼晴 這世界讓你可看清 前面會有美麗遠景 別留在此錯用情 (無謂迫我負情) 冷風與浪 磨難這一顆心臟 我不知怎去擋 無力是抬頭共你凝望 假的希望 曾令你我心激盪 我不想多講 就讓熱情被我埋藏 Repeat * OP: Rock Music Publishing (Taiwan) Co. Ltd. SP: Rock Music Publishing (HK) Ltd.
Трейлер гонконгского боевика "Идущий по линии" (Line Walker: The Movie / 使徒行者, 2016) https://hkcinema.ru/film/23478
9月10日,张家辉在香港出席品牌活动,他表示近日正忙于拍摄电影《澳门风云2》,对于早前在访问中指张学友是其亲兄弟,他表示是跟大家开玩笑,对方是他异父异母的“兄弟”。另外近日向华强太太陈岚炮轰周星驰为人,张家辉表示不太了解周星驰性格,但对方是一个有才华的人。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists...
【HD720P】【激战 || Unbeatable】【张家辉 彭于晏 李馨巧】【粤语中字】【2013年格斗动作电影】 《激战》是由林超贤执导,张家辉、彭于晏、李馨巧、梅婷、李菲儿、安志杰、高捷、姜皓文、刘畊宏、王宝强联袂演出的动作电影。 该影片讲述了香港拳王程辉在拳坛没落后,成为赌债累累的落魄中年,富二代林思齐因父亲生意失败而一无所有。两个风光一时的失意人,一个为了避债,一个为寻父,在澳门相遇成为拳击师徒。辉为了挽回人生尊严,齐为了鼓励失踪的父亲别放弃,师徒二人踏上MMA的擂台,无惧地挑战强大对手。整个剧情扣人心弦,特别是剧中搏击赛的一路拼斗,可以说是血肉模糊、惊心动魄。剧中那一句“怕,你就会输一辈子”引起共鸣。 过气香港拳王程辉(张家辉饰),在拳坛没落后,沉迷赌博,负债累累。为躲避追债人,逃亡澳门。在合租房中,程辉遇到了一对母女,母亲(梅婷饰)患有精神病,小女孩(李馨巧饰)不但要上学还要照顾妈妈,程辉和小女孩很投缘。 与此同时,富二代林思齐(彭于晏饰)遭遇家庭变故,他的父亲(高捷饰)生意失败,变得一无所有,整日在酒吧糜烂。为了鼓励落魄的父亲重新开始生活,林思齐报名参加了MMA。为此,他在一家拳击俱乐部报名。在这里,他认识了正在俱乐部打工的程辉,并拜他为师,学习拳击。 经过几个月学习,林思齐在MMA中连胜几场,但他立即遭遇了另一位高手(安志杰饰)的挑战,林思齐负伤退赛。同时,追债人找到程辉,打斗中,不小心伤害了母女二人。为此,程辉深感内疚,开始重新训练综合格斗技能,希望在MMA中赢得比赛,得到奖金偿还赌债。 在MMA中,程辉以四十多岁的高龄挑战拳击,不被人看好。而他遭遇的对手,正是打败徒弟林思齐的新拳王李子天…… Unbeatable is a 2013 Hong Kong–Chinese sports drama film directed by Dante...
古天樂 張家輝 朱茵 鐘麗緹《中華賭俠/賭俠阿酷》粵語中文字幕清晰版 (Louis Koo Nick Cheung - Conman In Tokyo Cantonese 2000 ) 香港粵語賭術、動作喜居電影 主演: 古天樂, 張家輝, 朱茵, 鐘麗緹, 林國斌, 倉田保昭, 梁家仁, 鄭祖, 段偉倫, 張嘉倫, 王天林 Louis Koo Tin-Lok, Nick Cheung Ka-Fai, Athena Chu Yan, Christy Chung Lai-Tai, Ben Lam Kwok-Bun, Yasuaki Kurata, Joe Cheng Cho, Leung Ka-Yan, Wong Tin-Lam, Zuki Lee Si-Pui Conman in Tokyo is a 2000 Hong Kong action comedy film directed by Ching Siu-tung and starring Louis Koo, Nick Cheung, Athena Chu and Christy Chung. The film is a sequel to the 1999 film The Conmen in Vegas in title only. 香港賭王阿酷(古天樂)壹度風光無限,以壹手飛牌絕技名震江湖,在亞洲只有日本的鐵男(倉田保昭)可堪與其壹戰,阿酷也壹心想擊敗鐵男,成為真正的亞洲第壹人。為了這頂頭銜,他苦練賭術,心無旁騖,卻在此時被自己的義兄楊光(林國斌)陷害,把阿酷之女友可人(朱茵)騙至日本,並與之結婚,阿酷匆忙趕至結婚禮堂,陷入楊光的圈套,可人識破楊光的真面目,為了保護阿酷要害中槍,成為植物人,但壹紙婚約使阿酷不能帶走可人,他只有淡出江湖,在日本開了壹家中華料理館,每天去偷偷看壹眼已失去知覺的可人。 若幹...
【娱乐之王 || The Lord of Amusement】【张家辉 吴镇宇 吴孟达】【粤语中字】【1990年经典喜剧电影】 《娛樂之王》是1999年由亞洲第一電影有限公司制作的港產片。 新移民华任职夜总会侍应,妄想取代炮哥的超然地位。华搭上老板女,合谋迫走炮,并大肆改革,但生意却一落千丈。原来这全是夜总会话事人昌之诡计。两人唯有找炮求救……新移民华在夜总会做侍应生,他妄想取代老大炮哥的地位。华和老板女儿情投意合,一起合谋想把炮哥赶走。两个人大刀阔斧地改革经营手法,生意却一落千丈。后来才发现,这里是夜总会话事人员施展的诡计,两人只好向炮哥求救… 杨千华(张家辉饰)是从大陆移居香港的新移民,初到香港时,整天作明星梦,不务正业。华的姨妈(江欣燕饰)在夜总会做妈咪,在她的帮助下,华进入夜总会做低级侍应。夜总会的经理是昌叔(吴孟达饰),但一个被众人称为神的人物炮哥(吴镇宇饰)才是夜总会的灵魂人物。炮地位超然,令人敬畏。华对之佩服地五体投地,把炮作为自己的偶像。此时,华应工作努力升职,更邂逅富家千金EILE(小雪饰)并与之相恋,春风得意。炮哥外表冷酷,其实暗恋夜总会小姐GIGI(姚乐怡饰),GIGI对炮哥也有感情,但因为受不了炮哥的脾气而离开,炮哥因此一蹶不振,昌叔见其已没有利用价值,把他踢出了夜总会。 "The Lord of Amusement" is a 1990 Hong Kong film directed by Ivan Lai Kai-Ming and starring Nick Cheung Ka-Fai, Francis Ng, Ng Man-Tat, etc. Wa Jai (Nicky Cheung Ka Fai) is a new immigrant from Mainland China and works as a waiter in a ni...
Exiled 2006 Exiled (Chinese: 放‧逐; Cantonese Yale: Fong3‧zuk6) is a 2006 Hong Kong action drama film produced and directed by Johnnie To, and starring Anthony Wong, Francis Ng, Nick Cheung, Josie Ho, Roy Cheung and Lam Suet, with special appearances by Richie Jen and Simon Yam. Two hit men from Hong Kong go to Macau to kill a renegade member of their gang, who is trying to live within the law with his wife and new baby. They run into a problem completing their job when two fadversaries show up to stop them by any means at their disposal.
The Duel - Kuet chin chi gam ji din (2000) ► After a long absence, a master swordsman of royal blood, Yeh Cool-son, returns to the emperor's palace to challenge Snow, a reclusive master, to a dual on new year's eve. In the days before the dual, strange things happen in the palace, seen mostly through the eyes of Dragon 9, a leader of the guard who alternates between serious pursuit of duty and joking. His girlfriend, Jade, is a prostitute; Princess Phoenix, the emperor's sister, has been his friend since childhood. There are murders in the palace, and evidence points to Snow, whom Dragon 9 believes is above suspicion. As the princess is attracted to Yeh and as the duel approaches, will Dragon 9 figure out what is going on? Director: Wai-Keung Lau (as Andrew Lau) Writers: Jing Wong (as Wong...
The Iron Life - Nick Cheung interview during the cover shooting for 《Keypad Magazine》 www.keypad.com.hk Episode 01 第1集
影片備有中文字幕,可以於網站下載: http://youtu.be/0gqll-kpvD4 影片备有中文字幕,可以于网站下载: http://youtu.be/-d2vWqcJxIo This video case features Nicholas Tse, Founder and CEO of Post Production Office. It was produced by the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies at HKUST Business School. The Center aims to advance learning and teaching through the development of Asian business case studies. It leverages HKUST Business School's world class teaching and research team to develop cases that offer the students a better understanding of the Asian business environment and Asian firms. To learn more about the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies, please visit the Center's website at http://www.bm.ust.hk/cbcs/. More information of HKUST Business School is available at: http://www.bm.ust.hk
金像影帝領銜主演:任達華 主演:黃德斌,廖啟智,龔慈恩,陳燃,蔡穎恩 友情客串:張家輝,單立文,朱璇 出品及海外發行:飛昇國際娛樂有限公司 香港及澳門發行 : 洲立影片發行(香港)有限公司 特別鳴謝胡學林,許樹寧及劉健平完成這部電影的發行版本 2012年10月4日 殺一個,救一個 全城公審 http://www.crossthefilm.com 虔誠的李良相信選擇自我結束生命的人,將被地獄之火永遠焚燒,不能上天堂。於妻子不堪癌症折磨而自殺後,他明白到人們想自殺的痛苦,並醒悟到與其讓人因自殺永墮地獄,不如由他去了結他們性命,使他們死後得以上天堂。他在一個自殺網站內分別認識了四位尋死者,逐一跟他們溝通並完成他們的心願。當李良自以為是執行上帝的意旨時,卻發現自己的信念及救贖計劃受到不可承受的衝擊......
The White Storm - originally touted by Universe under the title Metamorphosis at HK Filmart earlier this year - comes from director Benny Chan and stars three of Hong Kong's top actors: Louis Koo, Lau Ching Wan and Nick Cheung. It's the first time the trio has appeared together on screen.
Release Date: 15 August 2013 Genre: Drama Directed By: Dante Lam Starring: Nick Cheung, Eddie Peng Synopsis: Fai (Nick Cheung), once a world champion in boxing, escapes to Macau from the loan sharks and unexpectedly encounters Qi (Eddie Peng), a young chap who is determined to win a boxing match. Fai becomes Qi's mentor and rediscovers his passion to fight not only in the ring but for his life and ones he cares.
Nick Cheung ក៏មិនចេះប្រកាន់ខ្លួន ទោះបីជាមានប្រាក់ច្រើន
Martial arts movies King of boxing Nick Cheung
#Bestcomedymovies #Goodcomedymovies #Bestcomedyfilms #Goodactionmovies #Topactionmovies
From liner notes
The tide crashed on the shore
As he held her in his arms
They swore their love would stay forever more
And never slip away
From this moment on
As they made their wedding vows
He knew how life would change, oh
Love was blind for now
Hey, but knock, knock, knock
Put the chain on the door
She's back again and now she wants more
Knock, knock, knock
The thief's back to steal
The shirt off my back, my next meal
I'm not living anymore
I'm just breathing day to day
Everything I had has gone, she has taken it away
Heaven's door has opened and looked me in the eye
And there is no Mt. Olympus, just before you die
Knock, knock, knock
She's got the house and the car
The only thing left is my old guitar
Knock, knock, knock
Her foot's in the door
The shirt's off my back, now she wants more
And tonight on T.V. well they show a happy pair
I almost wept with laughter
As some fool caught the bouquet the bride threw in the air
At the final curtain call, in the neon light display
I see all the ugly scars that illuminate my day
And hail the promised land, it's upped and gone to bed
Bleeding hearts and mothers weeping
Sometimes I wish her dead
Repeat (1)
Hey, but knock, knock, knock
Put the chain on the door
She's back again and now she wants more
Knock, knock, knock
The thief's back to steal