trump sexual assault claims

Who Is Summer Zervos?

The season 5 "Apprentice" contestant came forward Friday with claims that Donald Trump harassed her.

ISIS Crushes Rebel Plot In Iraq, Executes 58

The Islamic State has thwarted a conspiracy to undermine the group's control of Mosul as the Iraqi Army plans an offensive to take the city.

Meet Carlos Slim

Trump apparently has a theory tying a Mexican billionaire to sexual assault allegations against the GOP candidate.

Putin, Russia Government Losing Trust

A new poll shows Russians trust President Vladimir Putin and his government less and less.

Conjoined Twins Survive Rare Separation Surgery

A 16-hour surgery ended in the successful separation of Jadon and Arias McDonald but the twins have a long road ahead of them.
Google Search On Mobile

Google’s Dedicated Mobile Search Results In The Works

In a few months, you might get different search results on phones and computers even if you search the same terms, according to a new report.

South African Students Demand Free Education

Universities have been open off and on for the past three weeks as a result of the protests.


Warren Calls For Obama To Fire SEC Chairwoman

The Massachusetts senator said SEC chair Mary Jo White undermined the agency’s “core mission” by failing to draft rules mandating corporations to disclose political contributions.
comet impact climate change

Comet Crash May Have Triggered Ancient Global Warming

A giant comet or asteroid that crashed 56 million years ago could have triggered the Earth's warming at the time, similar to today’s climate change, researchers said.

Clinton Avoided Single-Payer Ballot Measure, Emails Show

Correspondence released by WikiLeaks shows Hillary Clinton deciding to "not deliver a strong health care message" in Colorado because of the initiative.

You Need To Try These Cuban Rums

The Treasury Department said Friday it had lifted "monetary value limitations on what authorized travelers may import from Cuba into the United States as accompanied baggage." That means it's time to drink.

When Should You Apply To College?

Break down the complicated college application process by accomplishing a few key tasks every month.