Making Tangible Change in the World: Civil & Environmental Engineers
Civil and Environmental
Engineers have always tackled monumental problems, visualized the big picture, and developed innovative solutions to complex problems that have a major impact on people.
Doug Adams, Chairman of the
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at
Vanderbilt University School of Engineering (, describes the department's undergraduate and graduate studies, and how the department is doing world-class research and creating a life-sustaining legacy for future generations.
The department's approach, which is unusual for engineering schools and distinctive at Vanderbilt, is to integrate educational experiences across academic lines at both undergraduate and graduate levels. This tailored, multidisciplinary experience, on top of of a strong engineering fundamentals foundation, gives students a clear competitive advantage in the marketplace, irrespective of professional goals.
The faculty in Civil and Environmental Engineering, who teach students and guide research, include world leaders in their respective fields. The department's clear and focused goal is to prepare students beyond technical proficiency -- as leaders in developing innovative solutions to the complex problems that have a major impact on people's lives.
The Civil and Environmental Engineering department is recognized as an international research leader in the areas of multi-scale systems and structures reliability and risk, nuclear waste management, and leaching assessment approaches for environmental decision making.
Research emphasizes understanding and improving the performance, including assessment of reliability and risk for advanced materials, complex structures, environmental systems and transportation systems.
For more information on
Undergraduate studies at Vanderbilt:
For more information on
Graduate studies in
Civil Engineering and Environmental at Vanderbilt:
Research Areas of Expertise include:
Risk and
Reliability Engineering and
Materials and structures; durability, fatigue and fracture
Structural health monitoring and damage detection
Large complex systems, decision-making under uncertainty, optimization
Model uncertainty: verification, validation and extrapolation
Enterprise (all hazards) risk management
Energy and Environment
Nuclear environmental systems
Leaching processes and assessment
Contaminated site restoration & waste management systems design
Molecular and multi-scale contaminant fate and transport
Environmental risk assessment, management and communication
Water quality & resources
Structural Mechanics and
Advanced Materials
Multi-scale and multi-physics computational modeling of materials, structures and civil infrastructure systems
Multi-scale characterization of durability of cement-based materials
Risk and reliability analysis of composite systems
Experimental impact, damage, and fracture behavior of nanocomposites
Transportation Systems
Multi-modal freight transportation
Environmental footprints
Routing and logistics
Hazardous materials transport
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