Chakor (Meera Deosthale) gets reminded of her friend’s saying and says she will break her thumb. Imli (Vidhi Pandya) and Vivaan (Paras Arora) ask her not to do anything. Kamal Narayan gets a call that everyone is fine. He calls Ragini and tells him that none of them have died yet. They decide to go to the factory. Ragini says she will bring Tejaswani also.
Imli draws everyone’s attention to a piece of mirror. Vivaan asks Suraj (Vijayendra Kumeria) to try and get it. But he loses his balance and Imli gets imbalanced. He comes back to his position. Kamal Narayan comes back and praises them for surviving round one. He calls his partner. Ragini comes inside. They all get surprised seeing her. Ragini says they should have believed Chakor more than her. Ragini offers water to Vivaan and Suraj. They refuse drinking it. Ragini tells them that she was with Kamal Narayan from day one. She tells them about her plans – bomb, cradle,etc.
Ragini announces round two. Ranjana brings in Tejaswani. She comes crying and shows her wounds to Suraj. Vivaan asks them Ragini to leave Ranjana and Tejaswani. Ranjana pushes Tejaswani. Ranjana tells everyone that she is with Kamal Narayan and asks Vivaan to come on her side. Vivaan gets disappointed. Ragini takes away Tejaswani and hangs her.
Mai tells Bapu that she is really getting worried now. She tells why haven’t they come back yet. Bapu asks her to call Ragini. She calls Ragini. Ragini asks if should pick up her phone or call her here and hang her or should send their dead bodies to her phone. Kamal Narayan says he will kill Tejaswani in front of Suraj’s eyes. Ragini says Chakor will die first as Suraj will run towards Tejaswani seeing his mother in pain leaving Imli behind. Seeing Imli in pain, Vivaan will leave Chakor and run to save Imli. So in the end everyone will be saved but Chakor will die. Vivaan says sorry to Chakor and says if this situation arises he will actually choose Imli over her. Chakor says there is no need to apologise as she herself wants him to save her sister first.
Imli shouts at Ragini for back stabbing them. Ragini pulls out a gun. Imli asks her to shoot if she has courage. She hands over the gun to Kamal Narayan and asks him to shoot Imli. He aims the gun at Tejaswani. Suraj asks Chakor to do what she said earlier. She breaks her thumb. Kamal Narayan pushes the stool below Tejaswani. Chakor opens her rope and asks Vivaan to go and save Tejaswani. He goes and stands below her and saves her. Kamal Narayan aims gun at Suraj, Chakor comes and pushes him. Teh bullet strikes Imli’s rope and she falls down. He shoots at Tejaswani’s rope also.
Villager sit around the container of kheer and discuss traditions. Chagan says it would have been great if Ragini would have been here. Mai starts crying. She tells she is worried for Chakor. Ragini comes. Everyone gets happy and offers kheer to her. She says they should offer it to her father, instead. Kamal Narayan comes and drags Chakor, Vivaan, Suraj and Imli locked in chains. Everyone gets shocked to see Kamal alive.
Ragini gives him the bowl of kheer and says it’s for his welcome. He says no one will be able to save Chakor and others. Villagers beg Kamal to leave Chakor and other. He asks a drummer to play the drum as loudly as the villagers played when he was taken to jail.Also Read: Udaan full episode, 13th October 2016, written update