[ The Age ]

Apple's Swift Playground makes learning to code easy

Date: October 12 2016

Cynthia Karena

If you're concerned that technology is controlling you too much, then learn how to control it.

"Technology has a language. It's called code," says Apple, which has developed an easy way for school kids and people who know nothing about programming to learn how to write code with its free app Swift Playgrounds. It runs only on iPads.

With the increasing amount of connected devices in our world, from umbrellas and kitchen scales to cars and home entertainment systems, it's probably useful to understand how a computer thinks. The idea with Swift is to have fun with writing code, so it doesn't feel like your brain hurts from learning a foreign language. You start coding by making animated characters move around an island floating in the sky, telling them, for example, to walk, jump, or turn around.

This introduces the concept of variables, another interesting element of coding. For example, you can tell the cartoon-like character to walk some steps. But how many steps? As many as you want; just change the number next to the command.

The animations introduce each new coding concept, including commands, conditional statements (if this, then that), and loops. If you've ever had an app stuck in a loop, you can learn what this means on a coding level. A great feature is that you can see the results of your program as you write it. On the left side of the screen is the code, and on the right you see what happens as you change your code.

Even if you don't want to progress to the more advanced challenges, or learn how to program apps, it's still fun to explore and play in a world that is increasingly encroaching on yours.