- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 3012055
PLS or Pls may refer to:
La PLS : la Position Latérale de Sécurité
CHEESE PLS! - Transformice Game
Conduite à tenir la PLS : Position Latérale de Sécurité - Protection Civile de Paris
PLS basics
Disney Frozen Elsa & Anna Arguing w/ d Controller " Pls be Gentle! " Parody Tv Ichibi vid. 64
TPMP - Matthieu Delormeau met Jean-Luc Lemoine en PLS
La PLS : la Position Latérale de Sécurité, les gestes qui sauvent. Voici comment mettre une personne en position latérale de sécurité ou PLS. Cette position PLS s'applique pour les victimes inconscientes et qui respirent pour ne pas qu'elles s'étouffent. Merci aux sapeurs-pompiers du Rhône et du Vaucluse. Apprenez les gestes qui sauvent avec les sapeurs-pompiers : www.pompiers.fr
Got a chance to play this game called Transformice! Its a bit silly but entertaining and fun to play! Hope you guys enjoyed the episode! Thanks for watching! CHEESE PLS! - Transformice Game Click Here to Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/iHasCupquakeYT Submit your Fan-Art here! ► http://bit.ly/CupquakeFB Check out these Playlist! --------------------------------------------------------- Surgeon Simulator - Co-Op! ► - http://bit.ly/RCQSSCoOp Animated Shorts ► - http://bit.ly/iHCAnimatedShorts Husband VS Wife ► - http://bit.ly/Husband_Vs_Wife Top 10 Videos of the Month! ►http://bit.ly/iHCTop10 Follow Cupquake --------------------------------------------------------- Twitter - https://twitter.com/iHasCupquake Facebook - http://bit.ly/iHasCupquakeFB Instagram - http://followgram.me/tiffyquake F...
100 000 pouces bleus pour le rap " PASSONS, REPRENONS ? " Mon instagram : https://instagram.com/vodkirl/ Ma boutique : http://vodkprod.spreadshirt.fr/ Mon twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/powavodk Mon Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/VodKprod Mon twitter : http://twitter.com/PowA_VodK Ma chaine secondaire : http://www.youtube.com/user/VodKIRL Merci à tous du soutien :) Montage par : https://twitter.com/ChrisGamesYT
Position Latérale de Sécurité : PLS. Démonstration commentée en temps réel par la Protection Civile de Paris Découvrez sur notre site Internet toutes nos formations www.protectioncivile.org Plus de 480 bénévoles au sein de la Protection Civile de Paris ; pourquoi pas vous ? Avec le PSC 1, vous pouvez devenir sauveteur et participer aux missions sociales et humanitaires ; Avec le PSE1 et PSE2, vous pouvez devenir secouriste et participer pleinement aux dispositifs et missions de secours de la Protection Civile de Paris. Des formations internes permettent ensuite de continuer à progresser jusqu'au niveau de chef d'équipe de premiers secours N'hésitez pas à demander des informations à votre moniteur ou à l'une de nos équipes locales
Première partie de la série de tutos sur les gestes qui sauvent. Aujourd'hui: On fait quoi quand on tombe sur une personne inconsciente qui respire ? Bah on la met en position latérale de sécurité. Avec l'excellent Maxime Musqua https://www.youtube.com/user/maximemusqua Formez-vous aux premiers secours: Croix Rouge Française: http://www.croix-rouge.fr/ Protection Civile: http://www.protection-civile.org/ Sapeurs Pompiers: http://www.pompiers.fr/ Faites votre choix: https://www.google.fr/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion;=1&espv;=2&ie;=UTF-8#q=formation%20premiers%20secours Générique: Waxx https://www.YouTube.com/Waxx DTC sur Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DansTonCorpsDTC/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jmnl Montage: Romain Vitiello
This webinar will cover the basic concepts in multivariate data analysis, with special emphasis on partial least squares regression (PLS).
Disney Frozen Elsa & Anna Arguing w/ d Controller " Pls be Gentle! " Parody Tv Ichibi vid. 64 Dont Forget to Subscribe :) https://goo.gl/Hezrde Frozen Forever ♥ Tv Ichibi videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL69Zaj8TGO8LnW0TDc19qy364bAqiJh6 WE LOVE Elsa and Jack "JElsa" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL69Zaj8TGO-7tqFKYORgjhsbKxwby0fh My Favorite Videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=FLaxq81AkHkag6ml-X7GGr6A Credits: Frozen Free Fall model (c) Disney MMD Model Elsa Anime Christmas Attire MMD Model Anna Frozen by Finnyeh Black Xbox 360 Set Dl by chfgwuzhere Motion: MLAOA Inspired by: https://youtu.be/sNXIw2ABhYY Tuba Waddle by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://au...
Rito what are you doing. This is not normal Rito actions. This is advanced Rito actions. Twitter - https://twitter.com/BrickyOrchid8 Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/brickyorchid8 Second Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwZGSy3pwzHnw59h-51ueXw Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrickyOrchid8 Steam Group - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/brickyandthe8 P.O. Box BrickyOrchid8 22365 El Toro Road. Lake Forest, CA 92630 #338 All P.O BOX items sent will be opened on every monday vlog!
La position latérale de sécurité ou PLS est une position de premiers secours à effectuer en présence d'une victime inconsciente et qui respire.
Shorty I wanna know if you come over
If you don't mind girl put your legs up on my shoulders
Don't lie, I can see it in your eyes
You want for you and I to do the freaky things you like
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on ya, put-put-put it on ya
Let's ride around the city, make love in the car
Let's get on the express way, let me tease you ma
And while you drive baby, I wanna taste your tongue
Pull in to rest area, and let me give you some
You ever been driving while your man made you cum?
I wanna hit and stay, I wanna hit and run
Let's pull the car over, and have a little fun
The AC working, so we ain't gotta bun
Can I lick it, can I stick it, can I touch it, can I grab it
Baby tell me can I have it? Ooh wee
Can I rub it, can I flip it, can I hold it, can I get it
Anyway I wanna get it
Shorty I wanna know if you come over
If you don't mind girl put your legs up on my shoulders
Don't lie, I can see it in your eyes
You want for you and I to do the freaky things you like
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on ya, put-put-put it on ya
If that don't work for ya, I got another idea
Ain't nobody home, so gon' come on over here
Let's play hide and seek, in our underwear
I find you, I can get it right there
You find me, then I get bare
Either way we both win, now that's fair
Whatever I gotta do to be with you oh yeah
You my queen, I'm your king, now that's a nice pair
Can I lick it, can I stick it, can I touch it, can I grab it
Baby tell me can I have it? Ooh wee
Can I rub it, can I flip it, can I hold it, can I get it?
Anyway I wanna get it
Shorty I wanna know if you come over
If you don't mind girl put your legs up on my shoulders
Don't lie, I can see it in your eyes
You want for you and I to do those freaky things you like
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on ya, put-put-put it on ya
Let grade you, give you a report card
Your first test is, can you get it hard?
Show me how good you communicate when we start
Today's pop quiz, define your hot spot
Wanna see how good your balance is on top
Give you an A+ if you don't stop
This a big test, you looking kinda shocked
Either you get promoted, or you get dropped
Your final exam, show me your wet box
Ain't no tattle teller, I keep my mouth locked
Make you an honor student, show me you back shot
You passed with flying colors, ooh that's a nice ooh wee
Shorty I wanna know if you come over
If you don't mind girl put your legs up on my shoulders
Don't lie, I can see it in your eyes
You want for you and I to do those freaky things you like
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on girl, when I put-put-put it on ya
When I put-put-put it on ya, put-put-put it on ya, ooh wee