- published: 30 Jan 2012
- views: 5484373
South Africa has switched to a closed numbering system. From 16 January 2007 it became mandatory to dial the full 10 digit telephone number including the three-digit area code even for local calls. The trunk prefix is still '0', with the system generally organised geographically. All telephone numbers are 10 digits long (including the 3 for area code), except for certain Telkom special services. When dialed from another country, the '0' is omitted and replaced with the appropriate international access code.
Numbers were initially allocated when South Africa had four provinces, meaning that ranges are now split across the current nine provinces.
00: International access code effective from 16 October 2006 and mandatory from 16 January 2007.
01: The old Transvaal province, currently comprising Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and part of the North West:
02: Western and Northern Cape:
03: KwaZulu-Natal:
04: Eastern Cape and eastern parts of the Western Cape:
05: Free State and Northern Cape
Bernard Bear 012
Peshekar Mashin Suren Cabir 012 WS 10 YP 334 Qayi Vidyoya Diqqetle Baxin Gorulmemish Birshey
Monstercat 012 - Aftermath (Chaos Album Mix) [1 Hour of Electronic Music!]
Astrix - Trance For Nations /// 012
SHuvelan Kazimin Toyu Polisler Cabir 012 ni Tuta Bilmedi Qacdi Cabir 012 Polisderden
KILLER zähmen | ARK Scorched Earth #012
WITCHER 3 [012] - Weiche, Weyb des Wassers! ★ Let's Play The Witcher 3
Gefährliche VERLETZUNG - vlog 012
[NV#012] Nie bój się ROBACZKU! [PL\ENG]
► DEAD BY DAYLIGHT ★ PLAYLIST: http://grnk.yt/dbd ► Keine Folge verpassen: http://bit.ly/BesteMenschen ► ALLE LPs: http://gronkh.video ★ LIVE: http://gronkh.tv ···················································································· An der Wursttheke bedienen Sie heute: Pandorya ► http://youtube.com/PandoriumLP Tobinator ► http://youtube.com/TobinatorLetsPlay Herr Currywurst ► http://youtube.com/GEXIPROSNIPER ···················································································· «DEAD BY DAYLIGHT (Beta)» Multiplayer Metztelfest von Behaviour Digital Inc. (2016) Offizielle Seite: http://www.deadbydaylight.com ···················································································· «LET'S PLAY DEAD BY DAYLIGHT» Survivaltraining mit Gronkh & Pandory...
With 30 tracks & 2 album mixes, this is our biggest album yet! Support Aftermath on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Mcat012iTunes Support Aftermath on Amazon: http://bit.ly/Mcat012Amazon Support Aftermath on Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/Mcat012Bandcamp Want to be a part of Monstercat's history? Leave a memory here: http://memories.monstercat.com Chaos Album Mix Tracklist: ------------------------------------------------- 00:00 Stereotronique - Grind http://youtu.be/LmQ93oB10uw 02:27 Hellberg - Get Up http://youtu.be/ZVg4QgKh3Hg 06:07 I.Y.F.F.E, Au5 & Auratic - Sweet http://youtu.be/qYot9Shfees 09:00 Televisor - Starlight http://youtu.be/V-BOjJjt0YY 12:39 Soulero - Break Away http://youtu.be/vPe3X6iE1zA 16:21 Project 46 - No One (feat. Matthew Steeper) http://youtu.be/exCO9225g20 20:24 Direct - ...
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribeAstrix Astrix - Trance For Nations /// 012 Free Download: https://soundcloud.com/astrix-official/t4n012?in=astrix-official/sets/mixes Tracklist: 1. Astrix & Pixel – Roll over https://pro.beatport.com/track/roll-over-original-mix/5166715 2. Union Jack – 2 Full moons & a trout (Domestic Pixel & Freedom Fighters remix) 3. Ticon – Chicken shaker (Sub6 & ON3 remix) 4. Symphonix & Nok – 7 am (Astrix remix) https://pro.beatport.com/track/7am-astrix-remix/5179477 5. Vertical Mode – Radio active 6. Deedrah – Reload (Easy Riders remix) https://pro.beatport.com/track/reload-easy-riders-remix/4818394 7. Astrix & Simon Patterson – Shadows (Pre M.) 8. Krunch – Sync big 9. Legohead – The shrimp (GMS remix) 10. Zyce – World rebirth party https://pro.beatport.com/tr...
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► THE WITCHER 3 #012 • PLAYLIST: https://goo.gl/LeMc7G ► Mehr HEXEREI auf http://www.gronkh.de ► RETTET DIE WELT: http://bit.ly/JoinGroArmy ···················································································· «THE WITCHER 3» RPG-Epos von CD Project RED (2015) Offizielle Seite: http://thewitcher.com/witcher3/ «LET'S PLAY THE WITCHER 3» Kommentiertes Gameplay von Gronkh (2015). ···················································································· WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt, bitte unterstütze die Entwickler und kaufe Dir das Spiel im Original: http://gronkh.de/amazon/the-witcher-3 ···················································································· ALLE FOLGEN FRÜHER SEHEN AUF: • http://gronkh.de • http://gronkh.de/faceb...
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█► STARDEW VALLEY ✶ PLAYLIST: http://grnk.yt/stardew █► Keine Folge verpassen: http://bit.ly/BesteMenschen █► LiveLP auf Twitch: http://gronkh.tv ···················································································· «STARDEW VALLEY» Pixelige Lebenssimulation von Concerned Ape (2016) Offizielle Seite: http://stardewvalley.net ···················································································· «LET'S PLAY STARDEW VALLEY» Virtuelle Lebenslinie mit Gronkh (2016) Offizielle Seite: http://gronkh.de/stardew-valley ···················································································· UNTERSTÜTZE DEN ENTWICKLER: Stardew Valley wurde (und wird) von einer einzigen Person entwickelt. Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt (und das tut es), dann unterstütze bitt...
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Тесла-012 и IG markets
► FALLOUT 4 #012 • PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/-Fallout4 ► Keine Folge verpassen: http://bit.ly/BesteMenschen ► Auf gronkhDE: http://gronkh.de/?p=34719 ···················································································· «FALLOUT 4» EposTapokalypse von Bethesda Game Studios (2015). Offizielle Seite: http://fallout4.com «LET'S PLAY FALLOUT 4» Kommentierter Größenwahn von Gronkh (2015). Offizielle Seite: http://gronkh.de/fallout-4 ···················································································· WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt, bitte unterstütze die Entwickler und kaufe Dir das Spiel im Original! http://gronkh.de/amazon/fallout+4 ···················································································· CHANNEL: http://youtube.c...
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