WA News

Amazing images of a tiger snake swimming and being swooped by a bird

Tiger snakes are one of the most venomous snakes on land in Australia - but a Perth photographer has captured a striking image of one making a dash across water at a city wetland.

Ian McCamley took a series of snaps showing the tiger snake swimming across Herdsman Lake north-east of the city on Wednesday - then being dive-bombed by a fantail bird.

The tiger snake swimming in Herdsman lake with a fantail flying above.
The tiger snake swimming in Herdsman lake with a fantail flying above. Photo: Ian McCamley

Tiger snakes can be a common sight around Herdsman Lake, with one early morning walker saying she's seen six of the snakes in seven minutes back in September.

And with warmer spring weather finally shaking winter from Perth's bones, Mr McCamley reckons the serpents are out and about at Herdsman due to the appearance of baby ducklings.

The tiger snake spotted yesterday.
The tiger snake spotted yesterday. Photo: Ian McCamley

Adam Firstenberg from Perth Hills Reptile Removal said tiger snakes are generally found in and around lakes and rivers, and with warmer weather now setting in, they can become a common sight.

"Tiger snakes are venomous, not poisonous, and is in the category of the top four or five of the most venomous snakes in Australia," he said.

A man was taken to Austin Hospital after being bitten by tiger snake in north-east Melbourne.
A man was taken to Austin Hospital after being bitten by tiger snake in north-east Melbourne. Photo: Ian McCamley

"They are attracted to movement but they do not chase people. If a snake is spotted, call a snake removal specialist to reduce any risk of an incident. It is advisable to stay as still as possible after backing away from it."

If you still need more of a snake fix, check out the dugite that managed to eat a Tiger Snake.