

World Citizen of Nowhere connected to London, Liverpool,, Amsterdam, Stockholm, , Brighton, Bangok, Melbourne, Dublin, Sydney, San Diego+ NICE bien sûr

Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Az
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@Jenny_Nice blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @Jenny_Nice desblokeatuko.

  1. Wisdom from Leonard Cohen another great musical poet who has always seen the dark along side the light.

  2. Seems like someone has finally woken up to problem of EU accumulated pension rights in case of

  3. The Brexit Minister believes if you buy more from Tesco than they buy from you, you're more important to Tesco than Tesco is to you.

  4. Please remember you no longer have an empire. Make every believer read this. NO ONE CARES about you your TOO small.

  5. When you think about it all that is needed is for people who voted Leave to say this a mistake. There must be millions who are worried.

  6. Save £350m a week? Theresa May's 'Hard Brexit' plans forecast to cost £1200m per week, over three times as much ..

  7. ICYMI: former Labour leader called on the Govt to give Parliament a say on the upcoming negotiations. RT if you agree:

    Ed Miliband: Govt has no mandate for hard Brexit
  8. £66bn! Economy shrinks by 9.5%, tax receipts down by 10pc. Shock is not impact of leaving single mkt but that anyone wld even contemplate it

  9. While Uk drains energy with a hard and declares war instead of supporting neighbours

  10. The 'hard/soft ' rhetoric is a nonsense. The only choices are Hard and . 'Soft' is Remain with less influence over the terms.

  11. IMO UK citizens can't have EU citizenship *as such* after Brexit But it would be possible to create a special voluntary legal status...

  12. We need to do more to get British people into decent, well-paid jobs through education, skills and training - not blaming overseas workers.

  13. Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg &MPs to demand right to block with Parliament vote if it means leaving Single Market

  14. Political class has fallen far too readily for 'Brexit means Brexit'. Brexit means disaster and there needs to be greater fight against it.

  15. ((Innervision))(e)k jarraitu du: eta
  16. Yes let's silently march into economic and political oblivion and jingoistic hell ... Maybe while we cheerily sing "God Save the Queen"?

  17. Now give them right to vote on the referendum and see if they vote Leave.

  18. Well this is a bit close to home.

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