Love146 | The Abolition of Child Trafficking & Exploitation.
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We’re working to end child trafficking and exploitation.

For over 12 years, Love146 has been helping grow the movement to end child trafficking while providing effective and thoughtful solutions, including:

Where We Work

Become a Partner

At Love146, we’re not quick fix people. We believe we’ve got to be ready to journey with a child for the long haul, and monthly givers allow us to do just that. Because of regular donors, we can show up for children month after month.

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Understand the Problem

Trafficking and exploitation depend on vulnerability. How are children vulnerable? What tactics do traffickers use? Go deeper into the issue and hear accounts from children we at Love146 have served.


Get Connected

We like listening, we like sharing, we like learning, and then we like taking action. Connect with our mission to end child trafficking and exploitation and explore how to help.

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