Federal Politics


George Brandis affair: first law officer's uncanny ability to put himself in the dock

As cabinet portfolios go, the post of Attorney-General, ideally, sits above the fray. Sober. Reasoned. Cooly jurisprudential, and deliberately low profile.

Less so under this AG however. George Brandis, Australia's first law officer, displays a surprising penchant for occupying the story.

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Labor's Mark Dreyfus has accused the Attorney General of lying to Parliament while George Brandis says he's just making hysterical claims.

Whether it be in his incendiary defence of the right to bigotry, his expensive bookshelves and ostentatious poetry reading gesture during a Senate committee hearing, or his creative use of travel entitlements, the Queensland Queen's Counsel has rarely been far from controversy.

Now he is in the public dock again - haughtily accused, by a somewhat puffed-up opposition, of having misled Parliament, and in so doing, having misrepresented the nation's second law officer with whom he must work hand-in-glove, the Commonwealth Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson.

At core, the dispute is an arcane argument between a politician and public servant over autonomy. It turns on who said what and who meant what in meetings and correspondence, aimed at improving the administration of work flowing to the Solicitor-General.

In particular, the discussions dealt with how incoming briefs-to-advise on critical legal questions from other departments and ministers - from the Governor General and the PM down - could be "regularised".


The outcome of deliberations saw Brandis table a "legal services direction" in the Senate on May 4 - just before the election gun was fired.

The instrument mandated that all future requests for advice must come through his office for approval. Brandis said at the time that it had been designed in consultation with the Solicitor-General.

Attorney-General George Brandis is in the spotlight ... again.
Attorney-General George Brandis is in the spotlight ... again.  Photo: Nic Walker.

Spectacularly, the Solicitor-General publicly disagrees and states emphatically that he never advised on the drafting.

There are other beefs between them too in a relationship that has festered for months. One goes to a previous Brandis assertion that Gleeson had advised that proposed Abbott government counter-terrorism laws on citizenship stripping stood a good chance of surviving any High Court challenge.

Attorney-General George Brandis.
Attorney-General George Brandis. Photo: Nic Walker

The public take-out from this current controversy, is hardly likely to be the stuff of water-cooler talk around the nation.

The simplest explanation is that Gleeson sought his minister's assistance on managing his office's legal work-flow and wound up with more rigorous direction than he bargained for. Now he feels put upon to the extent he argues the formula is "wrong in law".

Beyond the facts, to have the top two legal officers of the land questioning each other's honesty in public is a bad look

Labor says Brandis has lied and misled Parliament - a serious matter for any minister and particularly so for the first law officer.

What is clear is that Gleeson's submission to a Senate inquiry on these matters differs significantly from the Brandis version. Both are honour-bound to be absolutely truthful. As such, confidence in the administration of legal advice and legal policy at the fulcrum of the Commonwealth has been compromised.

Beyond the facts, having the top two Commonwealth legal officers impugning each other's character is unfortunate.

It is yet another controversy embroiling an Attorney-General who routinely makes headlines.

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