Xhanti Qotoyi


I like to experience new things and I'm an original ☺

2015(e)ko abenduak(e)tik Twitterren

@xhanti_qotoyi blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @xhanti_qotoyi desblokeatuko.

  1. I hate this chef She's so problematic and full of drama

  2. I need to get my life together first

  3. if you got 2k+ followers and interested in getting more retweets and followers LIKE this tweet or DM

  4. Follow everyone who retweets this 💎

  5. Retweet if you want to gain just follow everyone who retweets and follow back whoever follows you☎️

  6. 90% of conversations with me: me: who is that me: what are you talking about me: I don't know what that is me: wait what?

  7. Don't use the bathroom in your dream . . . . . It's a setup ! 😭😭😭

  8. My favourite song I still dig this song Keep on playing my jam

  9. Starting my weekend with MTV base

  10. I love this music

  11. Starting a friday with best music

  12. S/O to all of my friends outchea

  13. Sfuna abo chomi abaYellow

  14. Best music on

  15. Goal 1 : Finish College Goal 2 : Get That Money Goal 3 : Marriage Goal 4 : Big House Goal 5 : Kids Goal 6 : Relax

  16. Still online RETWEET this then follow @Fyucha_ and all those who RETWEET 💜💜💜💜

  17. RETWEET IF YOU WANT 💥💥💥💥 〡〡💥💥 〡〡〡💥💥 〡〡〡〡💥💥 〡〡〡〡〡💥💥 〡〡〡〡〡〡💥💥 〡〡〡〡〡〡〡💥💥 〡〡〡〡〡〡〡〡💥💥


  19. ★҉★҉★҉ ★҉★҉★҉ ★҉ ★҉ FOLLOW ALL WHO RT ★҉ FOLLOWBACK ★҉ GAIN WITH ★҉ FOLLOW

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    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
