Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Kontuak Guztiak ikusi

  2. We have Agents already in the - why don't you nominate yourself today.

  3. DTWC Bound for the $100,000

  4. I'm back tonight with a weekly prize of £35 and a rollover prize of £270

  5. (r)i erantzunez

    Awesome!! Well done Nigel every single one well deserved !!

  6. For a chance to win one of our gorgeous pineapple dishes. Shop at

  7. of will be announced early next week! (pinned tweet)

  8. Another Friday which means another draw! Winners revealed early next wk - best of luck to those in the game!

  9. In honor of breast cancer awareness month Friday's game theme is a PINK OUT💕👅🌂

  10. What a effort - Chelsea buns! Who knew that is Asbri's very own Mary Berry. Roll on tasting :)

  11. The club would like to congratulate on winning the club lotto jackpot of €12,900!!

  12. Emma Stone will be at the Middlburg film fest, she was also at San Fran film fest, Telluride, etc. this what we mean by

  13. So everyone that walked or drove across me in their lifetime, y'all just going to watch them try to murder me? This is painful.

  14. Well done to who won the Mamma Mia tickets. Shame we didn't film your victory dance!

  15. Vem vinner? Sköldpaddan (långsiktighet) eller kaninen (kortsiktighet)? Jag tror ni vet svaret.

  16. It's officially the week of best Christmas party venue 🏆🏆🏆

  17. Very proud of 4telling it like it is..knocked this out of the park, firm determination, truth& facts.

  18. I am practicing right now for faculty talent show. Pay $2 tomorrow or regret it for the rest of your life.

  19. Who's working on their business over the weekend? Do business owners ever sleep? Do you sleep?!

  20. PSA: if I'm blacking tn you can too.

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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