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Woman says Trump reached under her skirt and groped her

Kristin Anderson claims Donald Trump put his hand up her skirt in a New York nightclub.

Kristin Anderson was deep in conversation with acquaintances at a crowded Manhattan nightspot and did not notice the figure to her right on a red velvet couch - until, she recalls, his fingers slid under her miniskirt, moved up her inner thigh, and touched her vagina through her underwear.

Plans to extend jail time for unreformed terrorists hit snag

The government has proposed new laws for terrorists

The Turnbull government's plans to introduce laws to keep unrepentant terrorists in jail beyond their sentences could be delayed after police raised concerns that the proposed laws aren't co-ordinated with existing bail-like regimes for terrorists.

Family is the Lealiifano rock in leukaemia battle

Christian Lealiifano with mum Mafa and partner Luga.

Christian Lealiifano sat with his shattered family moments after being diagnosed with leukaemia and told them, "we'll get through this together". The last thing he expected was sister Sally to save his life.