ACT News

"Canberra Green Bins... Say No!'' - opposition to green bins comes at the 11th hour

A group maintaining it comprises ordinary ratepayers with no links to the waste industry in Canberra says residents should reject the introduction of the green waste bins, as promised by Labor.

It comes as the Liberal Party, which last election, in 2012, promised to provide households with a free green waste bin, declined to repeat that promise ahead of Saturday's poll.

Not all Canberans are sold on having three bins, like these ones pictured in a NSW council area. One group of ...
Not all Canberans are sold on having three bins, like these ones pictured in a NSW council area. One group of disgruntled ratepayers says there is no need to spend money on introducing a green waste bin in the ACT when most garden waste in Canberra is already recycled. Photo: Damon Cronshaw

An optimistic spokesman for the Liberal Party said on Friday: "Once in government, we will decide the best way forward in providing green waste services to households".

The spokesman agreed that meant not endorsing green waste bins to households at this stage.

Labor has promised to roll out green bins across the ACT, starting with residents in Weston Creek and Kambah in a pilot program early next year.

Those who want the bins will pay a one-off fee of $50. Labor has maintained rates won't go up with the introduction of the green waste bins.


The group of ratepayers who are against the green bins reckon that's rubbish.

Using the slogan "Canberra Green Bins - Say No!", they believe rates will go up and, in the meantime, Canberra's successful green waste recycling system will be crippled. They see no reason to change a system in which 97.5 per cent of Canberra's garden waste is already recycled.

"We currently have an outstanding green waste recycling program in Canberra and our group is simply sick and tired of the unnecessary waste of ratepayers' money in Canberra and for the powers that be only caring about the environment when it suits them," a spokesman for the group said.

The group has a website at o