Harry Seidler's grand designs, re-evaulated for Mad Men and modern times

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Harry Seidler's grand designs, re-evaulated for Mad Men and modern times

A documentary about the late Harry Seidler, the architect Sydneysiders loved to hate, reappraises the simplicity and elegance of his modernist contribution,

By Lissa Christopher

"You can blend a cake, you can blend an egg, but how do you blend architecture?" asks Glenn Murcutt​, Australia's most lauded and awarded architect. He is querying the validity of one of several criticisms Sydney planning authorities used to knock back designs by Harry Seidler: "doesn't blend with surrounding environment".

The batter-and-buildings comparison is one of several charmingly expressed observations Murcutt makes in Harry Seidler: Modernist, a new documentary that is, to quote its synopsis: "a retrospective celebration of the life and work of Australia's most controversial architect".

Harry Seidler's Horizon Building, Sydney.

Harry Seidler's Horizon Building, Sydney. Credit:Dan Freene

The 60-minute film has been a very long time in the making. Its director, Daryl Dellora, first encountered Seidler in the mid 1990s, when he interviewed the architect for The Edge of the Possible, his award-winning film about Jorn Utzon and the Sydney Opera House.

"From the first time I met Harry Seidler I had a strong feeling his story would be a fantastic one to tell in a documentary," Dellora says via Skype from Italy. Soon after, he started preliminary work on what he thought would be a production with Seidler, alive and well at the time, at its centre. It wasn't to be.

Harry and Penelope Seidler House, 1967.

Harry and Penelope Seidler House, 1967. Credit:Max Dupain

"In those days, we could not get anyone [to fund] a film about modernist architecture and Harry Seidler," says Sue Maslin who, with Charlotte Seymour, co-produced the documentary. "Everyone in Sydney loved to hate Seidler and Blues Point Tower in particular."

More recently however, mid-century modernism has enjoyed a resurgence, thanks in large part to TV programs such as Grand Designs and Mad Men. "Now that we have got through the excesses of postmodernism, people are coming back to the simplicity and elegance of the modernist aesthetic," says Maslin. "And I am really keen for a reappraisal of Seidler's contribution to Australian architecture."

Earlier this year, the film's production team, after several attempts over the years, finally managed to get the ABC on board. Mandy Chang, now head of arts at ABC TV, "recognised that the time had come to tell this story," says Maslin. The film regained its momentum but it was no longer possible to have Seidler, who died in 2006, as its central storyteller.

"Re-conceiving the film without Harry Seidler, a living person, at the heart of it, was one of the hardest things," says Dellora. "But in a way it was also an advantage. It gave us an opportunity to stand back and look at Harry through other people's eyes and particularly through Penelope [Seidler's] eyes. I think you now get to see a really fascinating story that might otherwise have been obscured."

Harry Seidler at Rose Seidler House in 1952, when he won the Sulman Prize.

Harry Seidler at Rose Seidler House in 1952, when he won the Sulman Prize.

Penelope Seidler, Harry's wife and professional partner, is a forthright and humorous presence in the film. From the first time they met, she says in the film, she saw in Harry a "captivating" combination of sincerity and determination. He was 15 years her senior and one of Sydney's top 10 bachelors. She was 19. She was the one who pushed the idea of marriage, she says, apparently not in the least put off by Seidler's apparently inability to talk about anything but his architectural "mission". She follows several not-entirely-flattering observations about the years with Harry with an affectionate but enigmatic laugh.

"I am fairly frank," she says, on the phone from the house in Killara she and Seidler designed together half a century ago. "And Harry was always very honest. He didn't have a manipulative bone in his body." Penelope is, nonetheless, somewhat ambivalent about her presence in the film.

"Everyone seems to like the film. I don't dislike it. I don't know, when you are involved you are not quite sure. I found it all a bit personal, I suppose. A bit confronting. [Dellora] is a very good documentary maker and he certainly interviewed a lot of people. There's just maybe a bit too much of me in there."

Distinguished figures from arts and architecture, including Lord Norman Foster, Lord Richard Rogers and Edmund Capon, also appear in the film, balancing its more intimate aspects with commentary about Seidler's work and ideas. Seidler's remarkable collaborations with the photographer Max Dupain​ and the structural engineer Pier Luigi Nervi​ are also highlighted.

In the 1950s and '60s, Seidler was Sydney's star architect. With his Australia Square development in particular he put Sydney and its architecture on the world stage. By the mid 1980s, however, the tide of public opinion had turned against him and, as Maslin says, Blues Point Tower was everyone's favourite target. In archival footage in the film, members of the public describe it as "bland" and "jail like". "I would hate to live there," says one.

The film also points out, however, that in 1984, when the likes of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were still in power, modernist architecture had become associated with all things dehumanising, autocratic and austere. Seidler biographer Helen O'Neill comments that Seidler had become a "lightning rod for those who mistrusted modern architecture".

Herald columnist and architecture critic Elizabeth Farrelly is one of the film's most vivid speakers. She is also the only expert who really says anything negative about Seidler and his work.

She has been a vocal Seidler critic over many years but "we didn't hate each other" she says. "It's actually a compliment to be critical. People used to ask me why I wasn't critical about a lot of other [architecture] and I would say well, it's not worth it. You have to be good enough to be worth the criticism. Harry was worth tangling with, intellectually, because he was complex and contradictory. He was really trying to do something and sometimes failing. It was worth bothering with Harry, I thought."

Harry Seidler: Modernist premieres at a screening at the Sydney Opera House on October 22 (tickets from Eventbrite.com.au) and will be broadcast on ABC TV on November 15.

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