

No Prime Minister, gay marriage hasn't gone away

One of the most persistent themes of the Turnbull premiership is that whatever the Prime Minister does to placate the far reaches of his party, the more they seem to torment him. Some of this has been entirely on his watch, as with Turnbull's sacrificing of the Safe Schools program. Others, like policy on climate change or same-sex marriage, he inherited as a condition of him assuming Tony Abbott's job. Still others, like superannuation concessions, came only after he had made public pledges to the contrary. That wasn't him winding back someone else's idea. He was winding back his own. Right after an election.

The problem is that none of it seems to buy him any peace. And perhaps nothing is quite so emblematic of this as the same-sex marriage plebiscite, which this week Labor finally put out of its misery. There are two major political winners as a result of this.

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Plebiscite blocked: The fallout

A day after Labor decided to block the same sex marriage plebiscite, debate is still raging over how to achieve marriage equality.

The first is the Labor Party which, despite clearly exploiting this issue for political gain over the past month or so by dragging out its decision, has clearly found a clear voice on it. And the second is the anti-same-sex marriage brigade in the Coalition for whom the plebiscite was only ever a political strategy to defeat something that can only be defeated by such political trickery.

Same-sex marriage now joins serious climate change policy as one of Australian politics' unachievables, where the machinations of Parliament sit entirely at odds with the demonstrated popular will.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson
Illustration: Andrew Dyson 

Implied here is that if there's a loser in all this, it's Malcolm Turnbull. Sure, that might not appear true at the moment. After all, he now gets to say he tried to bring marriage equality into being and had Labor thwart him, but also doesn't need to preside over a deeply problematic process.

He might also get to walk away from the issue for a while and try to pursue some other agenda. But there are two major problems with that analysis. First, it assumes the government has an agenda, of which there is little evidence just now. But second, it assumes this issue will somehow disappear. That seems unlikely, because the fact is, this is an issue that, in political terms, works for everyone except Turnbull.


That's obvious enough in Labor's case. Its current line – that there should be a free parliamentary vote on the issue – works precisely because there's so little chance of this actually happening.

Turnbull certainly won't succumb on his own because he knows that will cost him his job. Maybe Labor could pull some parliamentary stunt that sneaks some legislation past government MPs who've hit the pubs early or something.

Illustration: Simon Letch
Illustration: Simon Letch 

Maybe it will manage to convince a couple of government backbenchers to sabotage their political careers for a while and cross the floor. But most likely it just gets to bang on about it for three years. And then get to campaign in 2019 as the only party that can get marriage equality done.

But it equally suits the Coalition's right flank and their fellow travellers in civil society. For them, this is totemic. They talk ceaselessly about it, forever finding new evidence of some vast plot of cultural upheaval, because it breathes existential life into that kind of politics. That's why there's always a new conference to address, a new dimension highlight.

If there's a loser in all this, it's Malcolm Turnbull.
If there's a loser in all this, it's Malcolm Turnbull.  Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

This week it was Eric Abetz asking the media to celebrate stories of people successfully becoming straight. Last week it was an Australian Christian Lobby campaign for the rights of bakers who want to be able to refuse service when a gay couple orders a wedding cake. Next week, it will be something else, probably about kids.

The point is that this isn't really a campaign on a specific political debate. It's not even necessarily political in any parliamentary sense. It's not aimed at helping the Coalition win elections, because if it has any electoral impact, it will plainly be the opposite.

Tasmanian senator Eric Abetz says a campaign has been under way since the 1970s to deconstruct marriage and "rob it of ...
Tasmanian senator Eric Abetz says a campaign has been under way since the 1970s to deconstruct marriage and "rob it of its meaning". Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Rather, this is an ongoing cultural campaign. And as long as this issue is alive, it shores up the support of the neo-conservative wing. For that reason it ends only when marriage equality disappears as an idea (which won't happen) or when it is made law and everyone forgets it was an issue. Even then, it probably rolls into a new campaign of some sort.

All of which means there is some strange, mutual determination to keep this alive. And if that happens, Turnbull is going to face a diabolical choice in three years. He would look nothing short of foolish if he faces the Australian people with yet another plan for a plebiscite. That would stand not merely as an absurd policy, but as a continuing sign that Turnbull will remain chained by his party room, unable to lead on his own terms for as many years as exist on the political horizon.

But what chance does he have of convincing his colleagues to take a different policy to the election? He'll be in a bind, which will only have grown tighter over three years of increased political pressure and popular bemusement.

If that's how it plays out, Turnbull's only hope would be that marriage equality simply fails to be a vote-changing issue. And that has probably been true to this point.

But there comes a time with some issues that they begin to symbolise something greater. It happened to John Howard on Kyoto and the apology, which eventually became shorthand for being stubbornly retrograde.

It happened to Julia Gillard on the carbon tax, which became an emblem of dishonesty. And happened to Tony Abbott on the budget, which became synonymous with unfairness. Clearly, much can change in three years. But from this distance, Turnbull might be watching the emergence of a new symbol: one that represents his own powerlessness, the erosion of his authority.


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