
We are all doggies this weekend, Murph

The Western Bulldogs' astonishing arrival in their first grand final for 55 years, only their second ever, is one of sport's most stirring stories. The term "fairytale" has been widely and wistfully uttered in recent days.

It is a tale of a club that clung on through years of on-field disappointment and near financial collapse. Thus it's a tale of rebirth – on the field, where a young group full of belief and potential have been ignited and inspired by a new coach, and off, where the club has gone from being one of the league's merger targets to one of the AFL's poster children.

Mr Robert Murphy.
Mr Robert Murphy.  Photo: Jason South

Interwoven through this Cinderella story, one that has added even more excitement than usual to one of the world's biggest sporting events, is the support of about 40,00 members, people whose loyalty has been steadfast and whose largesse and community fundraising helped save the club.

That the underdog Bulldogs – missing for most of the season their injured, much-admired captain, club veteran and hero Bob Murphy – have fought through so far is a triumph in itself; never before has a team that finished as low as seventh on the ladder won a place in the final. They have been the underdogs in each of their three finals, and are again on Saturday night against the Sydney Swans.

The story of coach Luke Beveridge adds a further feel-good factor. In his first two years as an AFL head coach, he has lifted his charges from contenders for the wooden spoon to contenders to add the 2016 flag to their only other one – from 1954, when they defeated Melbourne. And in both those fledgling seasons, Beveridge was named coach of the year by the AFL Coaches Association.

And so, with the notable exception of the 57,000 Swans members, it is fair to say most of us are Doggies this weekend. Of the Bulldogs, many have uttered, that they are a champion team up against a team of champions. That is somewhat unfair to the Swans. They do indeed have more recognised champions than the Bulldogs, but the entire Sydney squad works as a formidable team.


Like the Bulldogs, it is a club that has faced the abyss - but, unlike the Bulldogs, survived by, historically, re-locating to Sydney, when the league took its first stride to becoming national.

And, like the Bulldogs, the Swans have known extended, even intergenerational, frustration – indeed they suffered the record break between drinks from the premiership cup, waiting 72 years before winning in 2005.

So, while the Bulldogs are evidently the sentimental, but not statistical, favourites, both sides have a recent history of grit and both are worthy of victory.

What is unworthy of this contest is a preceding and costly public holiday, its atmosphere comes from the event itself and the stories surrounding it.

What we need is what we've got, a thriving national game that is more than a sport. It can move us, unify us, and embody some of the most noble elements of our culture. In terms of sporting spectacles, the grand final's only true rival is next month's Melbourne Cup.

In The Age today Bob Murphy writes about what this game, this club, means to him, of how he felt the euphoria of this final season's victories could perhaps heal the wounds, the hurt and damage, of too many hard years. "All of a sudden so many years of heartbreak and longing look to be behind us," he says. "The sunshine is breaking through the clouds, warming the faces of the clan."

Today most faces in Melbourne will turn towards the MCG, where we hope they will be warmed by the romance of the game and enthralled by the contest.