
We need to speed up the switch to renewables


We need to speed up the switch to renewables

The blackout was not a failure of wind or solar. It was proof that we need to speed up the switch to renewables. It shows the vulnerability of a grid system in transition and a failure to think beyond a mandated renewable energy target. The old power network is a "one to many" design, with large-scale, point source generation and energy flowing in one direction. The future grid will be "many to many" – when one path is under stress, the current finds an alternative route. This also balances supply and demand for when the wind is not blowing in a particular area, as well as battery storage, consumer-side load switching, etc. However, building renewable capacity alone will not give us a reliable, low-carbon energy system. We need rapid transition of the grid, as well as everything that plugs into it. Urgent priority should be given to a national carbon tax. We should open up the economy to the innovation of the market. This is the fastest, cheapest and most effective solution.

Oliver Clifton, Collingwood

Illustration: Andrew Dyson
Illustration: Andrew Dyson 

Australians need leadership in a time of crisis

South Australians, after going through a destructive and potentially life-threatening disaster, would have found no consolation in the words of the Prime Minister. Fancy going on the attack against "Labor states" for their commitment to strong action on global warming through their advancement of renewable energy targets. There are bound to be many damaging weather "events", and the federal government should be leading the way by taking credible action on climate change. Thank goodness for Premier Jay Weatherill's calm and reassuring account of the weather event.

Christine McKenzie, Steiglitz

Loss of electricity, a disaster? Really?

We Aussies are a bunch of pampered wimps. To describe losing electricity for 12 to 24 hours, caused by a once in a 50-years weather event, as a "disaster" is bizarre. If you look at the last million or so disasters that humans have confronted, this one does not get on the list.

John Brennan, Surrey Hills


Barnaby Joyce, the master of spin

Bravo, Barnaby Joyce. Your powers of spin are impressive. I believe that "generation of power" and "transmission of power" are different things. With your reference to a reliance on renewables being responsible for the power blackout, you managed to turn 22 power transmission towers flattened by an extreme weather event into a political hand grenade.

David Legat, Morang

There are many causes of electricity outages

When I dredge my memory for problems with energy supplies in Victoria, the things that come to mind are failure of the natural gas supply in 1998 (industrial accident at Longford) and the coal fire at Hazelwood (2014). Both involved fossil fuel sources of energy. Memory is a poor tool, so I searched the web. I found major electricity outages in 2007 (bushfires), 2008 (wind) and 2009 (heatwave). Am I missing something here?

Mary Lush, Surrey Hills

The demonisation of the clean energy sector

Voters were promised leadership and innovation if they re-elected the Turnbull government. Sadly, the naked opportunism that it displayed this week suggests that neither will be forthcoming. It is deeply troubling that a government which is the beneficiary of large "donations" from the structurally declining fossil fuel sector never misses an opportunity to demonise the job and investment-creating clean energy sector.

Andrew Laird, Malvern East

Stop talking and act

I would be surprised if South Australia's transmission tower specifications were not comparable to those in others states, so we are all vulnerable irrespective of the source of our power. If climate science is taken seriously, then we can expect more extreme weather events.

Australia's power production is centralised in huge plants located near fossil fuel supplies, and reliant on long and wasteful transmission lines to  consumers. This makes the system vulnerable to terrorist attacks. We need more decentralised power production and distribution, and more diverse sources of renewable power. South Australia has led the field with the easiest and cheapest option of wind power, but without storage capacity. Solar is spreading, but wave and thermal production are largely untried here. Governments should make it happen.

Neil Wilkinson, Mont Albert

Reform begins at home

Now that the Prime Minister is blaming South Australia's blackout on aggressive, unrealistic renewable energy targets set by state Labor governments, I assume he will remove the Australian-made solar panels from his harbourside mansion.

Russell Castley, Creswick

Finally, at long last ...

I come from a family of proud, western Melbourne residents and we have always barracked for the Bulldogs. Growing up in Adelaide – at the time, a one-town team – I was heckled for supporting "dirty Footscray". 

But going for the Dogs is about more than football. It is about my family. It is the smell of oil refinery towers wafting under my nose as we rolled into Altona to visit my grandparents. It is listening to my Dad's stories of a childhood spent only streets away from the Whitten family. It is 55years worth of losses that make this Grand Final even sweeter. It is flying to Melbourne to watch Libba's last game. It is the joke my family makes at the end of every season: "Next year will be the year of the Dog". Here's hoping 2016 will be.

Liz Nowell, Mile End, SA

... the year of the Dog

I have two Bobs in my life and both have played for the Dogs. Both embody guts, determination and that intangible Doggie spirit – never give up. Tragically, both will be missing today, for which I have shed many tears. Murphy should be playing. Parsons should be cheering, as he did all his life. However, I am grateful for what both Bobs have taught me – and I will cherish the moment today and dare to dream alongside the people I love. Doggies supporters are acutely aware that this is a once in a lifetime moment. Let's paint the town red, white and blue.

Amy McKimm, Prahran

Act on deceptive ads

Simon Castles says the term "gamble responsibly" does more harm than good (Comment, 30/9). There are laws against misleading/deceptive advertising. Given that the characters in gambling ads are portrayed celebrating a win, and this is not representative of gambling outcomes (gamblers usually lose, most never win), why hasn't the relevant authority shut these ads down? Perhaps the advertising code should be incorporated into the criminal code. If advertisers went to jail every time deceptive gambling ads were broadcast, they would stop making them. Why won't politicians act on this? Are some getting "kickbacks" from this industry?

Mathew Nelson, Brunswick

Keep contracts local

Why has the Victorian government extended the contracts to Metro Trains and Yarra Trams (The Age, 30/9)? Continuing to hand over millions of dollars to foreign companies to run our transport is an insult to Victorians as they could run it so much better, with greater accountability and the profits staying here.

Steve Bell, Jacana

And modernise trams

If it true that the government has extended Yarra Tram's contract to run Melbourne's tram network for another seven years, I hope it is conditional on the company replacing, pronto, the antique trams which are running along Chapel Street. They are a health hazard.

Gert Silver, South Yarra

A win-win solution

Rather than carving an extended rail trench through central Rosanna (The Age, 29/9), a better option for Lower Plenty Road level crossing  would be to lower the rail slightly and use the slope of the hill to raise the road level. The intersecting roads near the crossing would also need to slope up to meet Upper Plenty Road. With less excavation, the cost should be affordable and 400 great trees, mostly mature river red gums, would be saved.

Simon Westfold, Bittern

A parent's sacrifice

Jill Toulantas (Letters, 29/9), some 50per cent-plus of students at independent schools are there because their parents make huge sacrifices to fund their tuition. One prominent Melbourne identity used to boast that although he could afford to pay private school fees, he chose the public system for his children and was thus able to take them overseas annually. The public sector system could not cope if half of the students in private schools dropped out. And why not "talk about countries like Finland"? It spends less on education per head than we do. It is the quality of teaching which matters the most.

Jane Hargreaves, Kew

You choose, you pay

My daughter goes to a private school and I commend federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham for challenging the funding of private education. I pay for my choice to have my daughter attend a private school. They are businesses and have no right to the public purse. Their students have access to great privilege, while public schools are under-funded and under-resourced.

As a taxpayer, I want my money to go where it is needed. Education is a basic human right and essential to Australia's future as a global economic competitor. Private schools which have been identified as receiving excessive taxpayer funding, to the detriment of the public system, should be compelled to relinquish it on ethical grounds.

Jennifer Hopper, Caulfield South

MPs must go public

When my daughter returned from a year12 exchange to Germany, she said its state school system was so good that few parents would think of sending their child to a private school. Many European countries regard the state system as the way to provide excellent education for all. Why can't we do that?

The reasons are complex, but clearly a major one is the lack of political will. As Simon Clegg (Letters, 30/9) points out, even Labor politicians send their children to rich private schools – something that would have been unlikely a generation ago. Fewer politicians now have a strong personal interest in a healthy public system. Perhaps we need to legislate that all state and federal MPs should  enrol their children in the public system. If we did, state school disadvantage would be fixed in no time.

Danny Neumann, Port Melbourne

Risk – in perspective

The Age reports the increasing risk posed to humans from polar bears displaced by global warming (World, 30/9). The same double-page spread carried stories on air strikes in Syria, rape and alleged chemical weapons attacks in Sudan, increasing tensions in the South China Sea, another school shooting in the United States, and the legacy of terror following 9/11.  The risk from displaced bears seems relatively small, compared to the way we prey on each other.

Stephen and Laura Trumble, Mount Martha

Money always talks

David Campbell asks to us to "imagine Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten fleeing Sydney and Melbourne with their families, the cities in ruins, infrastructure destroyed, and their homes turned to rubble by bombs and constant shelling" (Comment, 30/9). Both men could afford to pay people smugglers in this scenario, but what would happen to the millions of people who could not?

Marilyn Moffatt, Parkdale

MPs and expenses

David Rice says we need "regular reports on MPs' expenses" to make them more accountable (Letter, 30/9). Would it be simpler and more transparent to remove their expense buckets, and instead give each one a shoe box where they can keep legitimate business expenses and then claim reimbursement from the Taxation Office?

Wendy Brennan, Bendigo



South Australia

How can wind farms harness the strongest winds SA has ever seen? Keep the comedy coming, Malcolm.

Craig Dickason, Heatherton

Is Turnbull secretly an unreconstructed lover of "beautiful" coal?

Geoffrey Wilson, Eaglehawk

If MPs didn't jump to illogical conclusions and let the industry sort this out, things might get back to normal more smoothly.

Mike Stambrey, Malmsbury

Can we assume that if SA hadn't installed renewable energy, it would not have had these storms?

Breda Hertaeg, Beaumaris

Frightening sight. Those renewable transmission towers bent and lying on the ground.

Dick Danckert, Torquay

Looking at the deformed towers, I wondered where SA sourced its steel.

Alan Inchley, Frankston

First it was border security, now Josh tells us it's energy security.

Stephen Baldwin, Frankston

None of the wind turbines collapsed.

Lance Cranage, Mount Waverley

Climate change, the one area for which we thought Malcolm held a candle.

Don Stewart, Port Fairy

Yes, Premier, Tony Abbott is back. His name is Bill Shorten.

Cor Peeters, Doncaster

Grand Final

Is it Dogs versus Dogs? The Swans have had little mention in the media.

Stephen Bickell, Mount Evelyn

Is it over yet?

James Newbery, Burwood

It's not surprising Victoria is Australia's murder capital (30/9). The whole state has gone to the Dogs.

Barbara Abell, Ringwood North

Why is there a backlash over the Grand Final holiday, but not other public holidays?

David Charles, Newtown