Federal Politics

Politics live as Malcolm Turnbull marks his first anniversary by introducing same-sex plebiscite legislation

PM introduces plebiscite bill to parliament

Malcolm Turnbull spoke of the societal benefit of more marriages in Australia while introducing the contentious same-sex marriage plebiscite bill on Wednesday.

And that's where we will leave you today - but first, a recap.

As it has all week, the same-sex marriage plebiscite dominated the agenda - but we finally saw the legislation (which Labor has all but said it will be opposing) introduced into the House.

And it had some interesting bits and pieces contained within it about the publicly funded yes and no campaigns.

With the first anniversary of the Turnbull Government approaching - so are the critiques.  Peta Credlin made her views clear - but does that mean Tony Abbott could ever be back? And has Malcolm Turnbull delivered - My colleague Peter Martin gives his view here.

Stephanie Peatling, Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen will be with you as soon as the Parliament files back in for the Thursday sitting day.  Enjoy your evening - and thanks, as always, for reading.

The new Labor MP for the Tasmanian seat of Lyons, Brian Mitchell, is getting the chance to deliver his first speech now, after being bumped from Tuesday's program.

The maiden speeches roll on - 

The new MPs for Brisbane - Trevor Evans - and Berowra - Julian Leeser are scheduled for today's sitting in the House of Reps, while Pauline Hanson will deliver her first speech in the Senate at 5pm.

Meanwhile in the Senate, the government is looking to extend the Senate sitting hours on Thursday - because they need more time to get through legislation.

This comes after the filibustering this week, because the Senate had run out of work to do.  



But he's not prepared to speculate on 'what's next' beyond the current agenda.

"Because frankly at the moment, our challenge is to get through what we've got, through the parliament, where it involves legislation, bedding down other reforms for the states - and then we can talk about the next trench," Senator Sinodinos says.

"One of the big issues in politics is to fall in love with the next new idea - let's implement the existing ideas.

"The other point I want to make about this whole debate around reform, it is also about how you go about it, and that's why it is important to have that discussion, and yes, it takes a bit longer, but it actually sticks, when you get a concensus." 

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And by that, Senator Sinodinos says he means "making sure that consistently we are out there spreading that economic narrative that Malcolm Turnbull has given us the framework for".

But regrets regarding the last 12 months, Senator Sinodinos has a few - or at least one.

"I think the one thing, that could have been done better by ministers, is give support to the PM's narrative," he said.

"I think as a team, we have to step up more and give that support. And I think what we have to show - ministers are stepping up now I think - but the point is, we have to keep displaying to the Australian people that we are a team.

"We can't allow it to just be a presidential contest."

Good afternoon and a big thank you to Stephanie.

Cabinet Secretary Arthur Sinodinos is on Sky talking about the first year of the Turnbull Government and says he believes the Coalition won the election - "because of Malcolm Turnbull".

The former Howard advisor also says the era of the "political assassin" must come to an end - and he doesn't think they would have won with Tony Abbott as leader.

And that's it for question time.

I'm handing over to Amy Remeikis.

​I thank you for your company thus far and remind you that you can follow me on Facebook.

The government is spending its time listing its achievements over the past year.

The opposition is pressing it on superannuation. It is not spending nearly as much time on the plebiscite as I thought it would.

Tony Abbott and Kevin Andrews during question time on Wednesday.
Tony Abbott and Kevin Andrews during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
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Treasurer Scott Morrison is busy, for the second question, not answering any of the opposition's questions about the government's superannuation policy.

He too plays the Dastyari card - "the lazy susan of Australian politics".

Social Services Minister Christian Porter, one of the government's up and comers, is having a bit of fun. He's been walking around the corridors of Parliament House and noticed that some Labor MPs have posters in their windows protesting Coalition policies that they just passed in the omnibus savings legislation.

Do they hand the petitions of protest to themselves, he wonders. How do they maintain the rage on Facebook? How do you take a selfie of this?

He evens manages a Lord of the Rings reference.

Social Services Minister Christian Porter during question time on Wednesday.
Social Services Minister Christian Porter during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Ms Plibersek tries again, this time referring to a group of nuns who help victims of human trafficking and who have lost their funding.

Mr Turnbull acknowledges the cost of the plebiscite "but what price democracy".

He dials it up and refers to the time when Julia Gillard and Penny Wong opposed same-sex marriage.

Was Senator Wong a homophobe when she opposed same-sex marriage, Mr Turnbull asks.


Acting opposition leader Tanya Plibersek during question time on Wednesday.
Acting opposition leader Tanya Plibersek during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Turnbull is spending quite a bit of time pointing out how great things are going in the economy and also how poorly Sam Dastyari behaved.

Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne and Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop during question time on Wednesday.
Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne and Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Acting opposition leader Tanya Plibersek asks Mr Turnbull why he can find $170 million for a plebiscite but not $900,000 for a health clinic helping vulnerable people in his own electorate.

(Can you seeing where question time is going?)

This gives Mr Turnbull the opportunity to return to the scene of the Mediscare text message crime.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Wednesday .
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Wednesday . Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
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Time to get ready for question time.

Don't forget - the part of opposition leader will today be played by Tanya Plibersek because Mr Shorten is on his way to Canada.

Acting opposition leader Tanya Plibersek during question time on Wednesday.
Acting opposition leader Tanya Plibersek during question time on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The restrictions on photography in the Senate will be - get this - reviewed by a committee of senators.


Independent Derryn Hinch, who is totes for a change, has agreed to see what the review says before recommitting himself to the cause.

The more things change yada, yada, yada.

Senator Derryn Hinch durng a press conference on Monday.
Senator Derryn Hinch durng a press conference on Monday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Throwing in its twopenneth worth is the Australian Republican Movement (geddit?).

It says the plebiscite is a waste of time and money because the mechanism should only be used for "questions of constitutional change, significant national issues the parliament can't agree on, and national symbols like the flag and anthem".

Mr Turnbull: "We took this issue to the election and we won the election."

"This was prominently debated every day of the election campaign."

"We have a mandate for it and the opposition should respect it. I ask the leader of the opposition to support this plebiscite." 

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