Meet the boss: Chief executive Tony Rechtman

Meet the boss: Chief executive Tony Rechtman

Many people shudder at the thought of working with their partner, but not Tony Rechtman.

"My wife and I started the business together, we work together, and do pretty much almost everything together," says the chief executive of Total Beauty Network.

Total Beauty Network chief executive Tony Rechtman regularly thinks about his former bosses, taking on board the things he liked about their management style.

Total Beauty Network chief executive Tony Rechtman regularly thinks about his former bosses, taking on board the things he liked about their management style.Credit:Esteban La Tessa

"Working together is fun because we have different strengths. I'm very sales and marketing-focused and she's very IT and operations-focused. I'm the dreamer and she's the realist who brings me down to earth. The downside is that we're always thinking or talking about business, so sometimes it's hard to switch off," he says.

No wonder there's little switching off. Since starting in 2004, Total Beauty Network (which owns Designer Brands, Colour by TBN and – as of 2013 – INIKA Cosmetics) has sold 24 million products. Stockist span 4000 stores across the globe, and the company has seen compounded growth of twenty per cent for the last three years.


Still, those all important family roots have impacted Rechtman's approach to his fast-growing business.

"I treat everyone like they are my extended family – that's been the culture since day one. It's very different to working in large corporates: I've done that before and I didn't like it. I didn't like the politics, so we were very careful to avoid that here," he says.

It's a human approach that staff typically appreciate.

"People might need time off – perhaps their child is sick, or there is a fete at their child's school and they need to do some fundraising. I say 'go and do it'. We don't watch the clock: we all have kids and families and you take care of your family and do things that involve them," he says.

While a number of Rechtman's 65-strong workforce is dispersed around Australia and in the UK, others are based in the office in Melbourne's Mulgrave. Either way, his approach is the same.

"I'm not a micro-manager and never want to be one. I think it's about empowering people and not getting in their way," he says.


Name: Tony Rechtman

Current position: Chief executive and founder of Total Beauty Network.

Responsibilities: Lead the team for effective growth and oversee the sales and marketing functions of the business.

Education: Bachelor of Business in Marketing, RMIT (1993).

Professional associations: Member, Young Presidents' Organisation.

Honourable mentions: Ranked 69, BRW Fast, 2011; ranked 31 in BRW Upstarts awards, 2006.

Strength: Trusting your team. I like to train people and give them my perspective on things, then I let them free to run their area and just check in as required.

Weakness: We run 100 miles an hour, and we've been growing rapidly for the last ten years so we don't stop and smell the roses enough. That's definitely an area I need to get better at.

Management style and tips: When I started my business I knew very clearly that I was going to treat my team exactly how I wanted to be treated when I was an employee. I always remember what my own bosses taught me, and to think about what the bosses who treated me well did that I liked. It's things like treating people with respect, and thanking them for doing great work.

Work motto: Everything is possible.