HP to cut up to 4000 jobs

HP said it is increasing its share repurchase program to $US3 billon ($4 billion) for future repurchases.

HP, the hardware business of former Hewlett-Packard, expects to cut as many as 4000 jobs in the next three years.

Deutsche Bank charged in Italy probe as legal hits mount

The charges deal another blow to Deutsche Bank.

Six current and former managers of Deutsche Bank AG - including ex-asset and wealth management head Michele Faissola - along with former executives at Nomura Holdings Inc. and Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA were charged in Milan for colluding to falsify the accounts of Italy's third-biggest bank and manipulate the market.

It's an ugly week for global banking giants

Deutsche Bank shares have been punished along with its peers in Europe, but Citi warns investors should not underweight ...

Even before the opening bell in New York, Thursday looked like a grim day for some of the giants of global banking. But few expected the barrage of bad news that was about to hit.