
Danny Green beats Kane Watts at Melbourne's Hisense Arena

WA boxing champ Danny Green has a rematch against his old nemesis Anthony Mundine on his mind but first he has to get past a less high-profile opponent in Kane Watts at Melbourne's Hisense Arena. Join us for live coverage of the Green Machine's first fight  since last August.

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - AUGUST 02:  Danny 'The Green Machine' Green and Kane Watts face off during the official weigh in ...
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - AUGUST 02: Danny 'The Green Machine' Green and Kane Watts face off during the official weigh in at Crown Resorts on August 2, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. Green will fight Watts on August 3rd. (Photo by Scott Barbour/Getty Images) Photo: Getty Images

As expected, Danny Green signs off in the ring after his win over Kane Watts with a message for his future opponent Anthony Mundine.

"Of course there is going to be a rematch [of the pair's 2006 showdown, won by Mundine]. I'll do it now if he wants. I'm warmed up. Somebody throw him some gloves."

Mundine sat ringside throughout Green's workmanlike victory over Watts, often wearing headphones. But it seems unlikely he wouldn't have listened to a serve in which Green reiterated that he didn't like the man - or much of what he stood for.

And there it is, Danny Green has a unanimous,, if hard-fought victory over Kane Watts.

Suspect there might be some words coming up for Green's long-time verbal adversary and likely next opponent Anthony Mundine.

Final bell goes with Danny Green and Kane Watts doing the same thing they spent a fair bit of the night doing - wrestling in tight...

Both fighters end the bout bloodied and bruised. Full kudos to Kane Watts for lasting the distance with Green - and landing some decent punches of his own.

But it seems likely the judges will rule in favour of Danny Green, who will have been glad to work out some ring rust and also survive the best the bigger Kane Watts could throw at him.

A minute to go...Kane Watts needs a knockout...Danny Green, you would imagine, just needs to stay out of trouble.

Watts is down again to start the 10th round...the count is re-applied but again he gets up...

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Watts' camp's turn to be unhappy - they reckon Danny Green hit him in the back of the head when he dropped him just then and the ref applied the count...

Meanwhile, Anthony Mundine watches on...all the while with headphones in his ears.

Smart start to the ninth round from Green, following Angelo Hyder's advice. He's staying in motion, not allowing Kane Watts to pin him back against the ropes but taking every opportunity to throw an uppercut...

Green's camp still not happy about the head contact from Watts.

Bell rings to end around eight and you'd think Green is likely ahead on points now. The question is whether he goes for the big finish or not.

His corner is warning him not to get caught against the ropes, with the likelihood Kane Watts knows he will have to end the right with one big punch.

Danny Green warned for a low punch, which came after he'd ducked an enormous haymaker from Kane Watts.

Danny Green has started the eighth round like he wants an early finish. Either Kane Watts is down on energy or he's still hurting from when Green caught him in that last round.

Green's mouthguard is out again - only this time it's after he tagged Watts.

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Round seven closing out and Danny Green looks to be gaining the ascendancy. Perhaps Kane Watts is tiring but Green is now using Watts' attacking forays to his advantage - turning them into opportunities to counter with big right-hand shots.

Green's corner is telling him to stay smart and simple and that's basically what he did in that seventh round.

Danny Green just had Kane Watts in trouble there - again it was the counter-punch from in close, where Watts would seem to have the advantage. Green chased him back across the ring to the ropes but couldn't find the finishing punch.

As the commentators just noted, Danny Green has had easier world title fights than this...

You can see what Kane Watts is desperately trying to do here - he wants Green in close in the clinches and he's half-wrestling him at times...Green is trying to follow Angelo Hyder's advice and keep Watts on the move, while counter-punching when the opportunity arises...

An annoyed-looking Green finishes the sixth round by throwing Watts into the ropes.

Thirty seconds into the sixth round and it's hard to say who's in front right now. Green has boxed better but Watts looks plenty dangerous and just landed another big right on Green up against the ropes.

Green had the mouthguard out for a couple of seconds there.

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This just turned into a wrestling match - Kane Watts gets a point off for a hip toss that saw Danny Green thrown to the canvas.

Green smiles and pats him on the head but you'd think inside he'd be livid. Angelo Hyder warns Green about Watts' strength as he again tries to patch up the area above his right eye.

Danny Green on the move to start the fifth round, leaving Kane Watts flailing at thin air.

Watts gets a referee's warning about use of his head, as the blood continues to flow into and around Danny Green's right eye.

Couple of punches thrown just after the bell to end the fourth round by Danny Green - might be an indication of some of his early frustrations against Kane Watts.

Couple of punches thrown just after the bell to end the fourth round by Danny Green - might be an indication of some of his early frustrations against Kane Watts.

Kane Watts promised pre-bout he was more fighter than boxer and he's doing his best to rough Green up. Watts just handed a heavy right that might have shaken Green up a bit.

You wouldn't say Green's been in any trouble as yet but Watts is certainly showing himself to be a tougher adversary than last year's opponent Roberto Bolonti.

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