
In Thailand, Successor Raises Prospect Of Economic Instability

The reputation of the successor to the world's longest-reigning monarch, and the country's history of economic downturn and political instability, has sowed doubts about Thailand's future.

Warren Calls For Obama To Fire SEC Chairwoman

The Massachusetts senator said SEC chair Mary Jo White undermined the agency’s “core mission” by failing to draft rules mandating corporations to disclose political contributions.

SoftBank, Saudi Arabia To Create $100B Tech Fund

Several other large global investors are also in talks to join what may soon become the world’s largest private equity fund, the Japanese company said.
Obama and Najib

1MDB Probe Now Widens To A White House Visit

U.S. investigators are looking into whether a businessman, who reportedly arranged a visit to the White House for the Malaysian prime minister’s relatives, is connected to the scandal.

Samsung Profits To Take A $5B Hit Over Note 7 Fiasco

The technology giant halted the production of its flagship smartphone following reports that the devices were catching fire.
Donald Trump

Sexual Assault Claims ‘Absolutely False,’ Trump Says

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Thursday the sexual harassment allegations against him were part of a plan to keep him out of the Oval Office.

Trump Has A History Of Being Accused Of Racism

The GOP presidential candidate has been accused of racism many times throughout his business and recent political career.
Samsung's exploding Galaxy Note 7

A Timeline Of Galaxy Note 7's Downfall

Samsung discontinues its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone after replacement devices started to catch on fire.

Elton John

Elton John Praises Hillary Clinton During L.A. Fundraiser

Elton John has described Hillary Clinton as being the “only candidate supremely qualified” to lead the United States.
jill stein1

Clinton Could Slide US 'Into Nuclear War Very Quickly'

Green Party candidate Jill Stein has suggested that Hillary Clinton may lead the U.S. into a nuclear war with Russia.

Clinton Avoided Single-Payer Ballot Measure, Emails Show

Correspondence released by WikiLeaks shows Hillary Clinton deciding to "not deliver a strong health care message" in Colorado because of the initiative.

Beer Is Good For You, Study Says

A new study has found that beer with hops could be less damaging to the liver compared to beer without hops and hard liquor.