
Gable Tostee trial: Jury urged to focus on recording of 'key six minutes'

The Supreme Court jury deciding accused murderer Gable Tostee's fate has been told the audio recording he made on the night of his alleged victim's death is the only thing that matters in their decision.

Depending whose interpretation jurors agreed with, it either proved his guilt or showed his innocence in New Zealand tourist Warriena Wright's death.

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Jury urged to consider Warriena's fear

A jury is told that if Warriena Wright climbed over Gable Tostee's balcony due to fear of what he would do to her, then he is guilty. Nine News

Beginning his closing remarks just before lunch, defence barrister Saul Holt QC said his client's words and behaviour captured in hours of digital tape were not "perfectly acceptable", but neither did it represent murder or manslaughter.

He labelled the Crown's arguments "weak" and "flawed" and urged the jury to see the defendant and the deceased as real people, not movie characters.

Whether it was "OK or moral or decent or just weird" for Mr Tostee to make the recording in the first place was irrelevant Mr Holt said, telling the jury it was an "extraordinary resource".

"The recording is the key to  this case and it's really why I'm asking so few questions in this trial. I can't recall one where I've asked so few questions," he said.


"The Crown here has called 22 witnesses before you and still, really the only thing that matters is the recording."

Mr Holt said Mr Tostee was a gentleman toward an erratic and odd Ms Wright and urged the jury to examine the evidence of the first date gone horribly wrong in context, remembering those involved could not have conceived in their worst nightmare how it would turn out.

Mr Tostee, who chose not to take the stand in his own defence, has pleaded not guilty to her murder and manslaughter.

Murder accused Gable Tostee leaves the Supreme Court.
Murder accused Gable Tostee leaves the Supreme Court. Photo: Tertius Pickard

Ms Wright, 26, plunged to her death while trying to climb down from Mr Tostee's 14th floor Gold Coast apartment in the early hours of August 8, 2014.

Earlier on Friday, Crown prosecutor Glenn Cash argued the defendant had so terrified Ms Wright that he bore as much responsibility for her death as he would have if he had pushed her from his balcony.

The Supreme Court was shown photos of Gable Tostee and Warriena Wright taken on his own phone the night she died.
The Supreme Court was shown photos of Gable Tostee and Warriena Wright taken on his own phone the night she died. Photo: Supplied

He said given what had happened to her inside the apartment at the end of a night of drunken sex after meeting on Tinder, her attempt to climb down from the balcony was "rational and reasonable", and could have been foreseen by an ordinary, sober person.

Mr Cash said the "tall and muscular" Tostee dominated the "slight and petite" Ms Wright as he held her down on the ground with his body weight after she pelted him with small ornamental rocks.

He argued an ordinary, sober person would have foreseen her attempt to escape from the accused given the "excessive force" he'd used in restraining the "petite" woman after she pelted him with ornamental rocks.

In replaying the harrowing audio recording of the evening captured on Mr Tostee's phone, Mr Cash contended there was 45 seconds of restricted breathing, or "gurgling" sounds as he restrained her, possibly with a forearm across the throat.

"The prosecution says it is sufficient for the conclusion that at that point in time he intended to cause Warriena Wright some grievous bodily harm," Mr Cash told the court, asking the jury to return a verdict of guilty of murder.

Mr Holt labelled this argument as "weak a crown case on an intention to do grievous bodily harm as you will see".

He said Ms Wright's "random" behaviour went "well past drunk", had become "increasingly erratic" throughout the evening and her decision to climb down was not "proportionate, reasonable or rational".

Mr Holt warned the jury of the risks of isolating a single statement or sound in the "key six minutes" leading up to Ms Wright's fall.

"We can analyse what Mr Tostee should have done at that particular point in time and there is such a gross unrealism about that kind of analysis, members of the jury, that I ask you to very very careful about it," he said.

"The key events in this trial take place over a six minute period. 

"I just want you to imagine how short a period of time that is, especially when things are going on and it's fast as quickly, as dynamically and as completely out of control as these events were going on."

The Crown had earlier replayed that part of the tape, from the pair's increasingly violent struggle, in which the defence claimed Ms Wright hit her accused murderer with a clamp from a telescope, to her screams of "no, no, no".

The Crown suggested the tape showed the defendant using "excessive force" even after Ms Wright was restrained and Ms Wright was purely defending herself.

Mr Holt, for the defence, said it was his client acting in self defence and accused the prosecution of misrepresenting the struggle to such a degree that it was not worth giving any weight.

"If that's what happened, a couple of ornamental rocks, as my friend at one stage said, flicked at another person justifying a chokehold and forcing onto the balcony, then I wouldn't be standing here addressing you," he said.

"It just bares no resemblance to the reality in the real world of what occurred."

The trial continues in the Supreme Court.

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