ACT News

Ron Cerabona

Ron Cerabona is an arts reporter for The Canberra Times.

Spencer Cliff, front, as Sweeney Todd and Georgie Juszczyk as Mrs Lovett in The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

A darkly satirical musical thriller

It's an ambitious undertaking tackling this tale of obsession and revenge but this ANU student production has a lot of talent and commitment involved, both on and off stage.

Pizzazz: from left, Peter Karmel, Sam Thompson, Kelly Roberts, Alex Thorpe, Jake Willis.

Tap dance, music and romance

The Cole Porter Depression-era musical has plenty of evergreen songs and dance numbers to keep audiences entertained.

David Greco is the baritone soloist in Carmina Burana.

Two colossal choral works

Two large-scale choral works, one a Canberra premiere, are on the National Capital Orchestra's next program.

Paul Capsis says he had to learn to speak in a 'very posh English way' for his role as Quentin Crisp.

Becoming Quentin Crisp

Paul Capsis was reluctant at first to take on the role of the eccentric expatriate Englishman but soon warmed to the task.