Good Weekend

Plastic bags to leave Bali for good

Two schoolgirls in Bali rallied their classmates to battle the blight of plastic refuse. Now the island will soon be free of plastic bags, and the rest of Indonesia is following suit.

"Bye Bye, plastic bags," a group of children chanted in March 2014 as they spread out across the shoreline beneath a "floating" temple, accessible only at low tide,  carved into a large rocky outcrop. Among the group who'd been granted permission by the local priest to be at Pura Tanah Lot – one of Bali's most sacred sites – were sisters Melati and Isabel Wijsen. And trained on them were cameras from Bali TV. 

The girls and their supporters had organised a "flash" demonstration to focus media attention on the mountains of plastic bags choking their once-pristine island home. It was a tipping point in the girls' three-year campaign, one that would culminate in Bali declaring that it would be free of plastic bags by 2018, with the rest of Indonesia to follow by 2021.

Sisters, Melati and Isabel Wijsen.
Sisters, Melati and Isabel Wijsen. Photo: Gusde Harmonice

The girls' campaign began simply enough. In 2013, Isabel and Melati, then aged 12 and 10 respectively, discussed in their class at Bali's Green School (an international school near Ubud focused on the environment) how they might reduce the island's mounting rubbish problem. They were particularly inspired by Rwanda, a poor country that had banned polyethylene bags in 2008, and began by organising beach clean-ups and presentations at schools to enlighten other local kids about how their "island of the gods" had become the island of garbage. 

But the scale of the problem was such that the girls soon realised they would need the government's help. Armed with clipboards, they set about approaching people at schools, shopping centres and at Bali's Ngurah Rai International Airport, asking them to pledge support for the Bye Bye Plastic Bags (BBPB) campaign via, a social-media platform promoting environmental activism and animal rights. Their goal was to obtain one million signatures and convince the Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika, to introduce a ban on plastic bags. "We thought, 'With a million signatures they can't ignore us'," Isabel says.

Melati and Isabel sorting plastic bags and bottles.
Melati and Isabel sorting plastic bags and bottles. Photo: Gusde Harmonice

Within weeks the sisters had more than 20,000 people signed up, including well-known names such as Australian surfing champion Mick Fanning. In the months that followed, and as word spread, they were able to source and distribute more than 10,000 recyclable bags, organise talks at Rotary Clubs and schools, and distribute BBPB stickers for cars, shopfronts and surfboards, drawing more and more people into the campaign. 

Driving the girls around and providing moral and practical support were their parents, Dutch property agent Elvira Wijsen and her husband, Javanese antique dealer Eko Wijsen. A breakthrough was achieved when the Governor of Bali – following repeated requests over 18 months and a threat by the sisters to embark on a hunger strike – agreed to see them. They turned up armed with a memorandum of understanding confirming that the governor would support their moves to make Bali a plastic-bag-free zone. "He agreed to sign right there," Melati says. "He even committed to being a member of the BBPB team."


Expats who have lived in Bali for 20 years or more will tell you that the plastic bag blight began slowly. Traditionally, the Balinese transported their foodstuffs in woven banana leaves, which they'd toss into the bush or burn when no longer needed. Then, in the early '90s, cheap Chinese plastic bags arrived through the Bintang Supermarket chain, with outlets in Denpasar, Nusa Dua and Seminyak. It wasn't long before just about every shop on the island followed suit. But old habits die hard and the Balinese continued to toss the used bags into the surrounding environment. Being plastic, they didn't biodegrade like banana leaves.

By the early 2000s, thanks to the tourism boom and sheer congestion (the island is less than a tenth the size of Tasmania, yet supports 4.2 million people), Bali's waste removal services were overwhelmed. According to the Indonesian Government, Bali generates 20,000 cubic metres of waste a day, half of which is plastic. Whenever there's a downpour, particularly in the monsoonal months of November to February, vast rivers of plastic litter are flushed into the ocean, prompting US surfing legend Kelly Slater to tweet in 2012: "If Bali doesn't #DoSomething serious about its pollution, it'll be impossible to surf here in a few years. Worst I've ever seen."

Melati and Isabel Wijsen, photographed at the Green School in Bali, August 2016.
Melati and Isabel Wijsen, photographed at the Green School in Bali, August 2016. Photo: Gusde Harmonice

I arrived in Bali with my family in December 2013, in the middle of the wet season. All the plastic refuse that had been accumulating over the drier months was clogging the waterways, from the mountains to the coastal villages. "Yewww," my 11-year-old, Mimi, squealed one morning at our local beach as she tip-toed between scattered foam cups, plastic bottles and bags on her way to the surf. Mimi and her 13-year-old brother Wilfred were about to start at Green School, where my husband had been appointed head. The school, an off-the-grid campus of large, wall-less bamboo buildings in the forest, seemed an idyllic place for our kids to learn about the environment. Their interaction with Isabel and Melati proved to them how young people can make a real difference.

By the end of last year, Isabel and Melati had been invited to give an INK Talk in India, a TED Talk in London, an address at the 2014 Ocean Plastic Pollution Summit in California, and another at the Conference of Youth in the lead-up to the 2015 Paris Climate Conference. They'd also launched a BBPB offshoot campaign called One Island One Voice, which aims to bring together all of Bali's environmental groups under a single umbrella. 

In February this year, 23 cities in Indonesia began trials in which consumers pay 200 rupiah (about 2 cents) for a plastic bag, while Bali has announced a Clean and Green policy to discourage littering and encourage recycling. "We have put an incredible amount of time and energy into Bye Bye as activists," Melati says. "As people, and as sisters, we have grown and developed so much in the past three years."

Isabel and Melati feel compelled to continue their mission. Fifteen different countries – including Nepal, Mexico, Italy, Colombia, Myanmar and now Australia – have now started BBPB campaigns. Convincing Bali's powers-that-be to follow through on their promises is the next big challenge, but based on the groundswell of support for the BBPB campaign and the sisters' determination to see it through, they'll be up for the fight.  

We thought, ‘With a million signatures they can’t ignore us.'

Isabel Wijsen

Isabel and Melati Wijsen will visit various schools in Sydney and Melbourne next week to talk about the BBPB campaign.