Federal Politics

Mark Kenny

Mark Kenny is Fairfax Media's chief political correspondent. A director of the National Press Club, he regularly appears on the ABC's Insiders, Sky News Agenda, and Ten's Meet the Press. He has reported from Canberra under three prime ministers and several opposition leaders.

Moving on: Holden engineers are being offered new opportunities abroad, as well as outside the company.

Goodbye to a country that once built cars

To my mates and me, the acrid fumes from the automotive paint and subsequent baking booths merely provided enough cover for our most daring stunt yet – smoking cigarettes right under the nose of one of our most reviled and authoritarian teachers.

Federal Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg says the COAG energy council meeting 'couldn't come at a more ...

Batteries could hold key to electricity security

Federal Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg believes a meeting of the COAG energy council in Canberra on Thursday "couldn't come at a more important time" just one week after South Australia experienced a statewide blackout triggering a federal political war in its aftermath.

The Prime Minister's annual inquiry into the banks will itself come under scrutiny.

Pollies on trial as much as bankers

Fabulously remunerated bank executives no doubt feel they are on public trial as they front the first of Malcolm Turnbull's new annual hearings before the House of Representatives Economics Committee from Tuesday.

Poll shows majority want royal commission: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is talking up the power of public exposure to ...

PM's move on bank CEOs not enough for voters

Voters are unconvinced by Malcolm Turnbull's move to drag bank executives before a parliamentary committee beginning this week, suggesting many regard it as an attempt to forestall a full royal commission, according to a new survey of community attitudes.