Reserve Bank pays $3.22 billion dividend to Canberra

The Reserve Bank will pay the federal government its biggest dividend since the global financial crisis, transferring $3.22 billion to the Treasury's coffers, after its profits were helped by a drop in the Australian dollar.

The central bank notched up $2.88 billion in profit in the year to June, helped by higher fee revenue and valuation gains on its portfolio of financial assets, its annual report said on Thursday.

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A key reason for the valuation gains was the weaker exchange rate, which lifts the value of foreign currency assets held by the central bank. 

While the headline profit was a decline on the $6.88 billion made in the previous year, underlying earnings, which drive dividends, jumped by almost half to $1.22 billion, due to higher interest and fee revenue.

Glenn Stevens was replaced by Philip Lowe last month.
Glenn Stevens was replaced by Philip Lowe last month. Photo: Brendon Thorne

The report also included parting comments from former governor Glenn Stevens, who said lower interest rates could not be relied on to help the economy return to stronger growth.

Mr Stevens' total pay for the year was $1.03 million, after a 2 per cent pay rise was granted in late 2015, the report said.


The dividend payment comes after former treasurer Joe Hockey in 2013, shortly after the Coalition won government, injected $8.8 billion into the RBA's coffers.

This was as a way of strengthening the central bank's capital, while also enhancing its ability to pay future dividends, which go into the federal government's revenue. This is the biggest dividend declared by the RBA since a $5.9 billion payment in 2008-09.

Glenn Stevens' total pay for the year was $1.03 million.
Glenn Stevens' total pay for the year was $1.03 million. Photo: Bloomberg

Even so, the dividend cheque to Canberra, to be paid this financial year, is still less than the $4.6 billion the RBA had available for distribution. That is because Treasurer Scott Morrison used more than $1 billion to top up its reserve fund, which protects the bank in a financial shock.

"With the Treasurer's agreement, some of the earnings are being retained so as to augment the bank's capital in line with growth in the size of the balance sheet. With this, the balance sheet remains very strong," Mr Stevens said in the report, in comments dated August 18, before his retirement.

Mr Stevens, replaced by Philip Lowe last month, also said the economy was improving but monetary policy – changing interest rates – could not boost growth on its own without further lifting indebtedness.

"A year from now, the fall in mining capital spending will probably largely be completed. As that headwind diminishes, present indications are that there are reasonable prospects for ongoing growth in the economy, still with quite low inflation," he said.

"While the growth outlook is reasonable, the economy could sustain faster growth than forecast at present. But the challenge of securing faster growth on a durable basis, without a further step-up in private sector leverage, is one that will not be met by monetary policy alone."

The RBA makes money mainly by collecting interest on bonds and other assets that it owns on its balance sheet, which increased by $10 billion to $167 billion in the financial year.

The central bank also collects fees from commercial banks, and this source of income was boosted because it was the first full year of receipts from the committed liquidity facility, designed to make sure the banks have enough cash in a crisis.