Commerce Minister must clear the way for P2P lending

ACT Leader David Seymour is calling on the Minister of Commerce to allow peer-to-peer platforms flexibility about who they charge for their service.

“A country of our size and location must be a more nimble regulator than other countries, especially in a time of rapid technological change. It was disappointing to see the Minister of Commerce, under questioning in the House, had no answers other than that he’s ‘considering the options’, especially considering the sector brought this to his attention four months ago.

Free Press 10/10/2016

20 Years of ACT and MMP
This Wednesday will mark 20 years since the first MMP election.  ACT is one of only four parties to win seats at every one of the seven MMP elections and this week Free Press looks back at the impact ACT has had, and forward to the 2017 election. 

Government home building comes at cost of private development

The Government’s plan to build more houses will come at the cost of private housing development, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

Assisted dying's opponents should look to Desmond Tutu

“Desmond Tutu’s beautifully written Washington Post Op-ed might as well be an open letter to New Zealand opponents of assisted dying,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

PPTA president's comments disgrace her profession

ACT Leader David Seymour says teachers should call for Post Primary Teachers’ Association (PPTA) President Angela Roberts' resignation after her casual dismissal of inappropriate conduct towards students being due to ‘stress.’
