Emily Hurrell


Young professional currently fundraising for arts/social welfare. I like good food, gin, Jelly Belly jelly beans and Mahler. Photo credit

Beigetreten Juni 2010


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  1. hat retweetet
    11. Okt.

    Currently overly-obsessed with the fact that the 22nd February 2022 (aka 22/2/22) is a Tuesday… It’s being dubbed and now thinking charities should be grabbing it and doing something fun with it 🤓2️⃣✌🏻

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  2. 11. Okt.

    Can someone with a science brain please tell me why it feels so weird to walk onto a non-moving escalator?

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  3. 11. Okt.

    *I promise you I wasn’t making a face behind my mask or doing something scary with my eyes. I promise.

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  4. 11. Okt.

    Person on tube just put her mask on bc I looked at her*. She put it over her mouth but not her nose. The temptation to sigh & say “thank you but you do know your nose & mouth are connected, don’t you?” was real. But let’s not make this day more trying than it already is.

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  5. hat retweetet
    9. Okt.

    Feel free to use this as necessary in your own life 😘

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  6. 8. Okt.

    I was driving at the time so am about 10mins late with this tweet but seriously who thought it was acceptable to play sleigh ride on 8 October?!? The Christmas adverts aren’t even that premature this year.

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  7. hat retweetet
    6. Okt.

    If anyone wants to know what Streetwise Opera does and why, I highly recommend this beautiful film where Ruben tells his own story in his own words 🎶

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  8. hat retweetet
    4. Okt.

    Twitter please help.. I lost my lovely blue staffy puppy, Dolly, in Ladywell Fields today and am absolutely devastated. Happened at around 15:30 today, she went in the direction of hospital - can't find her anywhere. She's wearing a yellow collar and harness

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  9. 28. Sept.

    First time commuting in over 18months, and c.ever at this weird normal corporate rush hour. I’ve made so many mistakes already and I’m in for a rough hour and a bit. Maybe wfh isn’t so bad after all 😅 Keep chanting

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  10. hat retweetet
    27. Sept.

    I don't want a drama about Jimmy Saville. I don't think the BBC should be making it. And I don't think I need to say why, either.

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  11. hat retweetet
    24. Sept.

    Right now the UK feels like a city builder game where you’ve totally screwed everything up and are out of key resources like food and energy and there are flashing symbols on all your buildings.

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  12. hat retweetet
    26. Sept.

    PANIC BUYERS before you fill up all those jerry cans in your boot please spare a thought for all the emergency services vehicles and NHS workers who won’t be able to get to you and your loved ones should you crash on the way home. Just 👏🏻 stop 👏🏻 it 👏🏻 Everyone else please RT

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  13. 25. Sept.

    Do you know Edward Hatfield? I’m praying on the power of Social Media here. I have Edward Hatfield’w bank card, found in Kings Cross (Ldn) today. Help me find them!!

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  14. 22. Sept.

    And if you need any more reasons why you should read the whole article and not just the headlines, check out ’s blog on edlines:

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  15. hat retweetet

    Sex Education would have genuinely changed my life if I'd seen it when I was sixteen and I'm so happy today's teenagers get to grow up with shows like this

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  16. 22. Sept.
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  17. 22. Sept.

    Am absolutely blown away by the love and positivity from you all! Both those of you I know well and those who don’t. Thank you so much. I’ll always be proud to be a fundraiser 💙

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  18. 20. Sept.

    So if you want to add a person or an organisation onto your working wish list, and are two to consider. I feel totally privileged to spend my last week with you all. Thank you ✨

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  19. 20. Sept.

    … and has worked wonders with my imposter syndrome. She is funny, she is kind and she is incredibly good at her job. I’ve learnt a lot and although I’ve been working mostly on my own and don’t reaaally know what she’s like as a line manager, I recommend her.

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  20. 20. Sept.

    Throughout the last seven weeks that I have known Louisa and helped out with I have almost changed my mind about leaving the fundraising sector. They’re not an arts organisation (and maybe that’s why) but I’ve had such a good time…

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