Message from the Chief Commissioner

A message from the Chief Commissioner

Release date: Wed 5 October 2016

Last updated: Thu 6 October 2016

CCP - Graham Ashton (main)

This message is taken from the Foreword in the Victoria Police Annual Plan 2016-17

I am pleased to introduce the 2016-17 Victoria Police Annual Plan.

Twelve months ago, I foreshadowed the need to continue to reform our service delivery so that Victoria Police can remain dynamic and relevant to the Victorian community and well positioned to keep the  community safe and secure in the decades to come. This year, I launched the Victoria Police Capability Plan, which will provide our organisation with a road map to achieve long-term, staged and planned capability  growth. This will position us as an agile police force able to respond quickly to changes in our operating environment and to connect and understand the community's expectations of us.

The Annual Plan shows our priorities for both maintaining our critical service delivery functions, while we focus on increasing our capabilities in key areas and while we mature the capability planning approach within  Victoria Police.  Actions that we have identified also strike a balance between enhancing the services we already provide, while reforming and growing in areas of demand, changed service delivery patterns or to increase our ability to respond to emerging patterns of crime.

The actions contained in this Annual Plan have been established through the consolidation of priorities identified through our Interim Planning process with consideration to Victoria Police Command priorities and the Victorian Government budget funded initiatives. Actions have been grouped based on the transformation pathways highlighted in the Capability Plan as the areas for capability development which guide decision making to mature our capabilities.

Over the coming year, our focus will be on continuing to address the recommendations of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) Independent Review, the Mental Health Review, along with other initiatives aimed at keeping our people safe. We will maintain a strong focus on community safety by growing our response capability to public order and counter terrorism with additional police and specialist staff, equipment and vehicles. Through providing our police with new mobile technology and body-worn cameras they will have greater ability to keep the community safe. Continuing to respond to the issues raised in the Royal Commission into Family Violence will also be an important part of our work over the next year.

I am pleased that we have continued our progress down this path and I am confident that the actions highlighted in this Annual Plan will deliver us significant capability growth over the next twelve months and beyond.


Graham Ashton AM
Chief Commissioner

For messages from the Chief Commissioner, visit his blog Cops and Bloggers on the Victoria Police News website.  You can subscribe via this website to receive regular updates.


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