WA News

Garden Gurus replant ruined Wembley verge garden

'Garden Guru' Trevor Cochrane on Tuesday led a community effort to replant a Wembley verge garden destroyed by the local council after neighbours' complaints. 

Workers were recently sent to destroy waterwise landscaping on the huge Wembley verge for the second time, despite its owner's efforts to comply with regulations. 

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Garden Gurus help restore verge

Garden Guru' Trevor Cochrane leads a community effort to replant a Wembley verge garden destroyed by the local council.

The Town of Cambridge said while it supported verge beautification and waterwise initiatives in this case it had no option but to act because of continuing complaints and safety concerns. 

Perth gardening personality and host of TV program the Garden Gurus, Trevor Cochrane, led a team of workers from the show and the local community to strip the wreckage, tidy, mulch and replant.  

Community members brought plants and food; Richgro donated mulch; and Stirling Waldecks donated 150 low-growing waterwise plants, mostly with West Australian natives with a sprinking of African succulents. 

Representatives of Bayswater and Mosman Park councils visited. Even Mr Cochrane's parents joined in. 


"People have really reacted strongly to this," he said.

Mr Cochrane said in two months the verge would look good again, as the 'lopped' plants that had been salvageable regrew, and new ones established. By next summer, he said, the verge would be able to survive with minimal watering.  

He had checked council regulations to ensure it would comply. 

He said while he understood there was a complex and longstanding dispute between neighbours, owner Sue Jefferies and the council over specific features of the previous garden, the harshness of the lopping of the plants and trees was unnecessary. 

"I was mortified by the way it was done," he said.

"They got carried away. 

"I had to come and help Sue." 

Mr Cochrane said he was passionate about sustainable verge gardening, as watering of a lawned verge took, on average, 25,000 litres per year - about the same amount as a small swimming pool. 

With 450,000 verges in the metropolitan area, huge amounts of drinkable water were being wasted and he was campaigning for a verge strategy to unify and progress council verge policies across Perth

Ms Jefferies said it had been an emotional time and she was grateful for the community's support. 

"People have donated plants from their own gardens," she said. 

"A man came up to me soon after it happened, as I stood on the verge, and he just said 'are you Sue?' and when I said yes, he just gave me a big hug.'"

The Garden Gurus episode featuring the Wembley verge work will air on March 19 at 4.30pm on Channel 9. 


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